LED lighting in combo with mh/hps


New Member
does anyone has experience with LED lighting? any consistent results with a certain brand?

i'm currently using an ebb/flow tray system, the plants are about 3 weeks from finishing... second harvest. will post pictures tomorrow.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
There are some really informative threads here and on other forums. You would be wise to have a look at them. This topic is getting more and more attention so again lots of info out there, go have a peak. Also, good luck!!! Lots of conflicting stuff, the consensus seems to be the more you spend the better you get, If it was me and I wanted to improve triche production and over-all quality, quickly and cheaply, i would lean towards UVB until I felt comfortable building my own LED. I could be wrong but it is my simplified understanding that while the cheaper (Mars, etc.) units will grow plants (I've seen some pretty nice ones here), the efficiencies are less comparable to HID. If that is wrong, please feel free to educate me lol.