Led, Hps, Cmh, fluorscent Hybrid Lighting Grow


Active Member
What is going on guys..? I revamped my 8x2.5 grow closet completely and changed the lighting. I am also vegging in a 2x2 grow tent. I am currently waiting for my seeds to pop.

Check this setup out and lets see how this hybrid lighting performs. I am going to be periodically uploading pictures and updates.


Active Member
Grow room setup:
*Wifi heat and cool controller
*Humidity controller and humidier
*2 6inch fans
*1500 watt heater on 500 watt setting
*6 inch intake duct fan, pulls outside air in winter and is filtered.
*6 inch exhaust hyperfan hooked to carbon scrubber
Nanolux 315cmh
600 watt ipower hps dialed down to 400 watts
Vivosun 135 watt led


Active Member
2x2 grow tent has 2 24 watt fluorescent lights. It also has hot and cool temp control. A 250 watt space heater. An old school humidier with the filter. Lastly there is a 20 watt seedling mat with digital temp control.