LED Growing - Light Distance From Plants


Well-Known Member
What distance do you have your LED's from the top of the canopy?

I have mine at 12"-14" and they seem to be loving it


Well-Known Member
Depends on watts of LED and lens degree. I keep mine as close as possible in flower, even touching the plants sometimes. I have 1 watt with 60 degree lens. Some of the newer 3 watt will burn the plant. Just watch the plant and it will tell you how far.


Well-Known Member
Some of the newer 3 watt will burn the plant
really? useful info! any idea on what distance starts to cause burn? i was thinking about upgrading to a model that uses 3w bulbs but i may stay with a 2w bulb and a 3w chip such as the 240w im using, expecially if the plants aren't as fickle. as of now im totally satisfied with the Blackstar all the way from clone through veg, so maybe purchasing another would be the way to go. I know blackstars use 60 and 120 degree lenses.