Leaving Hydro Setup Unattended for 5 days. Advice?


Active Member
Hey there everyone, I just wanted to get some advice before heading out for the Thanksgiving break for 5 days leaving my plants unattended. I just wanted to see if anyone had any pointers to minimize any stress on the plants. I have been experiencing nute lockout due to having too high of a ph but it has been about 8 days since and they seem to be doing a little better. I have attached some pics of their current condition. Also, I have 4 seedlings that are about a week old in rockwool. How can I keep these watered? Can I fill the propogation tray with like a 1/2" of water with the cubes in it or will that overwater it? Also, any tips on my new setup? Just got the time lapse cam and PTZ IP CAM installed last week, working great! Thanks for any advice!

My setup:
2x WaterFarm modules with 2x Jack Herer Clones in each
1x 600W MH Air Cooled

Maintained between 5.5 and 6.0 pH
550 PPM (supplemented with CaliMagic calmag)
50-60% humidity and temp kept between 72-78 F
0PPM RO Water Used
GH 3 Part Liquid Nutes



I was just away for 10 days while using 2 Waterfarms. My plants were in late flowering and were using about 1/2 gallon of nutes per day, each. I use the controller and reservoir which allows for a longer time away though. When I returned, it was like I never left. Cool!

I say fill those farms up as high as they will go and it should be fine. You should consider the controller and reservoir addition if you want to continue to use the Waterfarms.

Also, in my experience, more than one plant in a farm is not ideal. They will compete for space and it will stunt them. One plant alone will fill up the container with roots.

Good luck, man!


Active Member
Thanks for sharing your similar experience, it makes me way less worried about leavin my girls. I'm going to add another 2 units and get a reservoir as soon as my seedlings are big enough to transplant. I can already see how planting more than one per unit isn't a good idea but I'm kinda stuck with it now!