

The reason why I ask these questions not cause im a new grower, started before I joined I did it cause I wanted to make sure that what I did when I started was cool but anyway my plant has 5 leaves and in been 4 months is that good or bad

And who here from the east coast selling bomb seeds not that Mexican pack shit



Well-Known Member
Maybe you got screwed. Or some seeds got mixed in by accident. How tall are they? They look kind of thin at 4 months.


Well-Known Member
the size of the plant is like 1 foot and 2 inchs the size of leaves are like 3 inch
hydro/soil? ....indoors or outdoors?...Lights? .What have you feed the plant?...if you can post more info on how you're growing the plant you'll get better advice from us.


Active Member
http://www.nirvanashop.com/ < great discreet shipping, great for a first grow because there cheap.
if what you want to remedy is the curling or cupping of the leaves its probably Plant Moisture Stress- Overwatering being the cause.
let the soil dry to about 2 inches deep before you water next. the more sun the faster it will grow, and therefore more fingers per leaf.
what kind of soil is it in? in the ground or container? full plant+dirt pic?

The White Buffalo

Active Member
Your plant is not getting enough light...5 leaves at 4 months? in 4 months you should have a 5 foot bush or a few ounces of buds. It appears from your picture you are growing in a window. That is not going to cut it. Invest in some lighting or get her outside.