Leaves look a bit strange


Well-Known Member

Is this normal or do you have any ideas on why my baby's leaves are shriveling a bit and are thin. The lower two are starting to yellow as well.

This is my setup

Bag seed in closet hydro grow with cfl lamp. Have not introduced nutes at all yet. Temp rests around 77. Water may seem a little cold just don't have a way to measure that.

Is there anything i can do for her to make her situation better?



Well-Known Member
What is the pH of the water you are using?

edit: oh you said it's normal.. hmm

Maybe a genetic deformity, or maybe a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
If the air temp is 77 degrees I seriously doubt your water is too cold. Being they are already a few weeks old I would start them at about 1/2 strength nutes.