Leaves Have White (dust?) On Them

So I'm A Little Less Than One Week Into Flowering And My Fan Leaves Are Turning An Odd Color, And There Is Like White Powder/Dust On All Of My Fan Leaves, I Believe Its Because Its To Dry, Anyone Have Any Suggestions? Btw There CLEARLY NOT Trichromes. I'm Not Retarded.

dub boi

it's powdery mildew. it's a fungus that gets in your plant like herpes, you can treat it but it will be there in the blood. get a sulfer burner and get new genetics after you harvest. clean your entire room from top to bottom with peroxide water. start over. sorry for your luck. i work at a grow store in michigan and tell people about this all the time. good luck.

Uber Newb

Active Member
You loose the crop and have to turn it all into hash or water cure the bud. Just treat it now, your only a week into flowering and it wont hurt anything.

Nuke it now, or it will nuke you and your hard work!

To kill PM:
1) Lower the humidity in your grow to below 50% and keep it there
2) Setup an incoming air filter or ionizer in the room next too the air intake
3) Kill all air flow to the room and put a ziplock bag around any leaves that are effected. Then snip them off so they land in this bag
4) Once done, foliar feed just before lights on with h2o2

Good Luck!

EDIT: Shit, your a month in. I didnt see that. Yeah, thats a little too late. I would cut your losses, clean the area with a disinfectant, water cure what bud you have, then turn it into hash.

Sorry man


There is products to help rid the plants of the issue, sulfur based seems to work best. Lower humidity as much as possible, use spray until like 2 weeks before harvest, then do the rinse if needed.
A good way to prevent pm is to water early in the light cycle and try to avoid watering the stem


Well-Known Member

+ rep for uber newb if this helps he called me in on this one
[video=youtube;S7jE7qzfgQs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7jE7qzfgQs&feature=results_main&playnext= 1&list=PLBD586A7A0FC8B8DB[/video]
i really wanna smoke a doobie with this guy. lol. did anyone notice he has a picture of himself on his own shirt. he reminds me of the jesus for mj. :)

dub boi

yep. will not take that long either. there are a few products to treat it like green cure, serenade and mildew cure. those are what we sell. start over if you can afford to. if not pay $200 and get a sulfer burner and sulfer pastiles, burn when the lights go off twice a week and you will not see it again unless you stress your plants bad.if you lived in michigan i would help you out.