Leaves Dying, Bad Soil, Please Help

Dr Pepper

Active Member
I had this thread on another forum but decided to bring it here.
Great site btw.
So i have a main plant, about 40 days since sprouting, and she(hopefully) has been having some problems.
I started her in MG time released nutes potting soil, and she was, but i started noticing some leaf problems. The cotyledon died quick, the 1st set of leaves died as well, and the first 3-leafed growth was beginning to die.
I decided to move to new soil, so i got a mix of organic MG potting, organic MG ground soil, as well as some normal topsoil and perlite, 1 part of each.
I then transplanted my plant into the new soil, rinsing the roots (still had a tiny bit of soil/bark that it went through, very little though. The roots were basically a straight line when i put in in though because of the rinse. That might be bad. I then watered them, with about 2 gallons of water between all my 4 plants (the main got the most), which had about 3/4 a tbsp of fish crap fertilizer (5-1-1). That may have been a mistake.

Anyways, this was 3 days ago that i transplanted it, and it seems to be getting worse. The first set of 3-pronged leaves is dead, the next almost dead. So any imput? I also have a few (3) smaller plants that were transplanted, their 1st set of leaves after cotyledons are not doing great, but they seem a little better.

Pictures 1-2 are of a a few days before transplanting,
3-5 are of 2 days after transplanting.
6 is of one of the little plants, as well as 10, both post transplant but different days,
7-9 are all the main plant today, 9 being a dead leaf.

Any input would be great, this forum seems very active and helpful.


Dr Pepper

Active Member
This was mostly an experiment, planted it late (august), but it doesnt freeze her til november anyway perhaps even december .. but yeah any ideas?


Well-Known Member
well it seems like it can't handle the cooling climate, i would move indoors asap - you already have them in pots and you could use some cfl's at this stage until you get a better light.

Dr Pepper

Active Member
Well its about 80-90 degrees currently where i live, so i dont think that's the problem. Lowest in the past weeks MAYBE 70. But thanks for the replies. And yeah, the root system definately took a beating. But im pretty sure it was the MG with ferts causing problems..

Dr Pepper

Active Member
I'm Confused.

I'm going to germinate a few random seeds, 2 that are the same as my little ones, and 2 random bagseeds, then try them out STARTING in the new soil, to see if they develop problems that may be due to the old soil.

If so, then its probably my water? Or climate? (Texas) Got to like 90 today, low maybe 65-70 in the early am. Unless my soil mix is still flawed, i made sure it was all organic though..

Heres new pictures :(
Notice red stems?
New growth looks good, bottom bad (thats the 2nd set of 3 pronged leaves that has died. If it pulls through, the plant definately wont be bushy.


Well-Known Member
I had this thread on another forum but decided to bring it here.
Great site btw.
So i have a main plant, about 40 days since sprouting, and she(hopefully) has been having some problems.
I started her in MG time released nutes potting soil, and she was, but i started noticing some leaf problems. The cotyledon died quick, the 1st set of leaves died as well, and the first 3-leafed growth was beginning to die.
I decided to move to new soil, so i got a mix of organic MG potting, organic MG ground soil, as well as some normal topsoil and perlite, 1 part of each.
I then transplanted my plant into the new soil, rinsing the roots (still had a tiny bit of soil/bark that it went through, very little though. The roots were basically a straight line when i put in in though because of the rinse. That might be bad. I then watered them, with about 2 gallons of water between all my 4 plants (the main got the most), which had about 3/4 a tbsp of fish crap fertilizer (5-1-1). That may have been a mistake.

Anyways, this was 3 days ago that i transplanted it, and it seems to be getting worse. The first set of 3-pronged leaves is dead, the next almost dead. So any imput? I also have a few (3) smaller plants that were transplanted, their 1st set of leaves after cotyledons are not doing great, but they seem a little better.

Pictures 1-2 are of a a few days before transplanting,
3-5 are of 2 days after transplanting.
6 is of one of the little plants, as well as 10, both post transplant but different days,
7-9 are all the main plant today, 9 being a dead leaf.

Any input would be great, this forum seems very active and helpful.

She looks really wet man. I used same soil my first grow, which isnt terrible but now I really LLLLOOOVVEEE fox farm. I may be full of $hit but the soil is fine, need to let her dry out a little bit.


Active Member
That is definately a nitrogen deficiency, and probably calcium and Magnesium as well. Adding some High nitrogen ferts should help to keep the new growth green. How many hours of sunlight a day do you get now? They may also be trying to force flower and that will cause a lot of signs of stress: yellowing leaves. 3 pronged leaves, reddening or purpleing of the stem...


Well-Known Member
I don't believe it is a Nitrogen deficiency, though it does look like it. With all those ferts it would be impossible. I think godspeedsucka is right let the soil dry out and let those roots develop. Its got plenty of green to stay alive on.

Dr Pepper

Active Member
Well the seedlings were showing the same issues and i hear they dont develop deficiencies for a while, and i did water them once with very low concentration organic ferts, didnt seem to help at all. THe soil has some ferts as it is.
I'll let the soil dry then. The plant gets at least 6 hours direct light, prob more, and lots of inderect so i doubt it trying to flower, but maybe.


Well-Known Member
I went through the same problem. Just remember, at this age, she (hopefully) isnt going to consume the amount of water that she will in a month or two. Dont let the pot dry out completely, but check your pot weight after watering, and when it starts to feel lighter than move a little soil away and check to see if it is drying out about 2 inches under the surface before watering again. Its just me and I may be full of $hit, but I wouldnt even bother with ferts right now.

Dr Pepper

Active Member
Well the soil isnt wet or anything, first 2 in are pretty dry.
Now another set of leaves is dead, and her new growth is slightly yellow? Shit.
Heres some pics.

Dr Pepper

Active Member
So i got 4 seeds germed, 2 that are the same as the smaller ones in my pics, as well as 2 other ones that i'm going to try. One of them will be in the same mix as used with my current plants, and then the other 2 i will mix it up. Everything will be 1/4 perlite, and since i have 2 mg organic soils and another basic topsoil, i'm thinking of comparing the 3 with the other 3 seeds that i have (one in mg potting organic, one in mg ground organic, and one in the other soil, each with 1/4 perlite.) If they all do shitty, then it must be my water, but i'm going to a pool store to get some good ph strips to test that theory.

Dr Pepper

Active Member
Plant is doing very good since i stopped watering it for about a week and a half, just got its first watering since then today.
Lots of new growth, dieing finally stopped.
Hopefully its roots are developed enough now that it doesnt drown again.
Its also budding! Teeny plant though

