Leaves drying/curling under/wilting? not sure... help..

hey i cant post a picture, and the picture would not do much justice anyway due to my horrible camera.

heres the scenario, plant is on first week of flowering. I trimmed about 30 leaves off yesterday. The leaves i trimmed either had some sort of damage, or were directly blocking a growing shoot/bud site. The plant responded fine, it did not droop or stop growing. Looks excellent actually.... With the exception of one thing.

Other smaller leaves that are still being shaded by the canopy have started to curl under, and feel dry. This is only affecting leaves that are not being exposed to direct light. At first glance this looks like underwatering to me, but i do not believe this to be the case. I have noticed the larger fan leaves are perspiring at a visible rate. Meaning i can physically see water droplets on large fan leaves at certain times of day. My RH is 45-55% Temps 70 at night, 76-79 during the day. The affected leaves look like they have shrank some. Just to clarify when i say i am 1wk into flower i mean 1 week of 12/12 lighting. Preflowers have been visible this whole time, but no bud has started forming.

I have already ruled out :
- Overwatering
- OverFert
- Heat/Light stress
- root rot

I am leaning towards :
- maybe slight underwatering? i still doubt it..
- Something to do with light not penetrating the canopy perhaps?
- Stress from my fan leave trimming extravaganza.

Can someone help me understand what possible conditions would contribute to, or cause leaves to dry AND curl under.
Again i would get some pictures, but the affected leaves are the shaded ones, smaller than most, and it would be hard to distinguish the problem with the resolution pictures i would provide.

Thanks again
- Chevelle

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
30 leafs being cut off one plant in the first 7 days of flower is a bad way to start a garden in flower. U keep mentioning lite not getting too bud sites. What's the light your using in flower? What's your medium, how does it look? Pics on this site is a really great way to go. With out those a lot of could just be flying bull shit, including me and what I'm saying.
400w HPS
medium is roots organics mixed with 25% perlite. Medium looks fairly dry on top, but 1/2 inch below the surface it is moist. There are some pictures in my journal of the plant through its life cycle. I would gladly provide pictures however... every time i get my cell phone anywhere near the magnetic ballast it fries the phone... i cant figure out why that is. The touchscreen on every phone that comes in contact with the grow environment immediately stops working. Basically the "touch" part of the phone gets fried. So currently without a high megapixel smartphone, using laptop to take pictures. its resolution isnt worth using for diagnosis.


Active Member
You probably stressed her out by cutting so many leaves at once. I personally don't defoliate. There are too many unknown factors that go with stripping a plant of what it has grown for a reason. Would you rather have healthy plants or more light penetration? :wall: