Leaves Curling.


Well-Known Member
Ok well im now 4 days into flower. Not sure of the strain i got the clone from a buddys plant. Growing in Miracle Grow Soil. 400 W HPS. soil pH 6.8-7.0 fluxuates from time to time not to much though. Leaves are green as ever, the color itself looks healthy as hell but all new growth has a very bad cup shape and curl to the leaves. Some old growth affected as well but mainly all new. Growth seems to be stunted a bit only gotten about 2 inches of growth in the past week and ahalf when i was getting an almost full 1-2 inches a day. Over watering shouldnt be the problem. I water once every 2-3 days or just whenever the lil moisture meter says the soil is gettin dry :)). Any ideas would be helpful. I have pictures as well if needed i can always upload.