Leaves Curling Upward?


Well-Known Member
What is your ph, watering schedule, growing medium, canopy temperature, and nute brand? Also, where did this leaf come from... the top, bottom, or middle of the plant and then from the light-source side, etc.? Do all other leaves share this, or is it localized to the top few, etc.?


Active Member
Like I said, this is low budget. I'm not checking the PH. I water every other day if it looks dry. Temps are unknown but not extreme. Probly around 88 Degrees. I use Maricle Grow that I had already once a week. The leaf is from the very top node and it is only on the top leaves. Non specific to the light.


Well-Known Member
What is your ph, watering schedule, growing medium, canopy temperature, and nute brand? Also, where did this leaf come from... the top, bottom, or middle of the plant and then from the light-source side, etc.? Do all other leaves share this, or is it localized to the top few, etc.?



Well-Known Member
Get a water meter from home depo for about $7. If you're not checking those other things, then taking the guess work out of watering will solve many of the average leaf problems that are not nute deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
Seriously though...it could be the soil. I have a plant like that. Its younger...thinner...but still growing. I think mine was caused by the soil which was too strong. Miracle Grow 3 month release plus I gave it nutes.


Well-Known Member
Welcome WildKeith
Looks like it is too hot and not enough humidity.
The leaves have little fins sticking up on the edges of the leaf.
They are trying to cool down by hoping to catch a breeze.

88 degrees is way to hot.
You want to stay in the 70's preferably 70-78 deg.
Much more ventilation and a moisture meter will put em in check.

Happy growing


Well-Known Member
My one plant did this a while back. Eventually al lthe leaves pointed downwards when i forgot to water htem and the plant just ignored my help and died.


Active Member
to be honest the only resone i knew that is beacuse of JORGE CERVANTES grow video on youtube , god damn font i wish i would of finished school. but anyways search him on youtube and youll fine some somewhat usefull videos, not the greatest though.


Well-Known Member
hi i have exactly the same problem, my room temp is 78-82 and humidity around 45% i have a 250 hps about 18inches from plants and a fan blowing directly on the light i have been using 1ml/llitre of vita link grow in every feed so far which is about every 2 days... i am going to water with no nutes next time and lift the light a little .. i will let u know how i get on! i am a little worried though that lifting the lights may cause the plants to stretch. godd luck keep us posted :)