Leaves Curling/Mutated


New Member
you just trying to cause arguments m8 theres a word for that. TROLL

i tell you what lets just get straight to the point you dont agree with me i dont agree with you

you think i'm an assclown and i couldnt give a fuck what you think

you obviously only know about growing from what you have read in books not learnt from experience so stop wasting my time and cluttering up other peoples threads by disagreeing with me just give your opinion and move the fuck on. i for one dont particularly need anyones advice as i pretty much always get my gram a watt so i'll chill try to advise people if i can and avoid you like the plague
i suggest you do the same
assclown (still dont know what that means)


New Member
canna start
vitalink plant start seedliing feed
need i go on ?
search em on google you bell end if you can manage that or do you just use tomato feed n hope for the best


Well-Known Member
wow, well, thanks for the advise guys. I DID give it 1/4 strength so I guess I'll just wait it out and see what happens. Everything seems to be going alright, noe are showing signs of nute burn or yellowing or anything. Although that one squirrelly one still looks pretty retarded. Who know, Maybe it'll still be kick ass bud if it doesn't kill itself somehow... I'll post new pics, you should see this thing today...


New Member
glad you listened m8 and see if you can get some plant start for future grows its good shit

good to see peeps on here do finally go quiet when they're making themseves look silly, smokeybandit no hard feelings m8 but when i'm right i'm right and i tend to stick to my guns. no hard feelings maybe we'll agree with eachother in another thread and we can talk normally. i still really wanna know what an assclown is tho m8?