Leaves curling down

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
I'm having a hard time getting my plants diagnosed. I'm not sure what is going on and I could use a little guidance. I've added some pics any input will be helpful. I've flushed them. Just can't get them healthy.


Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
I'm using promix with happy frog 50/50 mix with added perlite and some sand. I did add some peat moss and I'm wondering if I added too much peat. My water going in is 6-4 and my initial runoff is 6-2. Last runoff an hour or so after its drained is still 6-2 to 6-3 so I'm assuming I'm good there.

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
Yes. I used neem twice. I thought spider mites at first. I decided to end the misery of hoping for recovery. Trash bagged them. I'm gonna focus on pic 3 That's a grapefruit that I transplanted. It was topped recently. It seems to be holding on. For the moment. Here's a pic from this morning.



New Member
I know when I used to much neem and pyrethrin my plants started to do exactly what yours looked like.
Just a thought. That new pic looks great though

Mr. Krambo44

Active Member
There was a problem there before neem was used. I had serious claw going on. Just got worse I can't waste time on sick stock. Grow or die. Next.