Leaves Curling down on some branches


Not all branches are curling down and we have been having weather well over 103 degrees outside. this just started ive been using the same amount of water and same amount of nutes which is done every wednesday. They didnt start too curl till about yesterday. My plant is almost about 4ft tall and 3.5ft wide. Lots of pistils and its getting ready to flower. does not look too serious but just wanted to get some pointers. This lady plant has been doing great and just wanted to know if this is just something not too worry about too much. I really do think it was bcuz of the increase in heat. Today 8-29-11 is gonna be like 105 degrees. :wall::wall::wall:



i just put up some pics ..... need someones opinion ..... i usually give it a gallon of water every other day ..... maybe i need to give it more water ..... too hot??? being 103 ..... i only use nutes on wednesday and its 1 tbspn per gallon

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I have some theories....

What's your watering schedule like? Feeding schedule? How old is that plant? What size is that pot?

And what the hell is that thing in the background? Looks like some crazy weed whacker thing.... (unrelated to my other questions)


i believe its a 10 gallon pot but i could be wrong .... its been goin strong up till now with the leaves curling under. every wednesday i give it nutes. im thinking it doesnt have enough water with the heat thats been here the last week. oh and its a Rotor Tiller

El Superbeasto

Active Member
Are there drainage holes in the pot? What is the strength of the nutes when you do feed it? Does the pot seem lighter now after when you do water and feed it?

Seems it may be root bound, feeding and watering would increase when that happens if you can't transplant.


its not root bound. drainage holes come with the pot .... lol. the nute is 24-8-16 but ive been using that at the same amount since June so i highly doubt its the nutes. but its almost time to switch to the 15-30-15 ..... was thinking of not nuting it this week with the veg

El Superbeasto

Active Member
You grow that outside?

Root bound happens pretty fast outside in pots.

If it is outside, it is time for flowering nutes. But the nutes is not a problem in that factor, it would be not enough or too much. Not the kind of nutes.

This could be something as simple as the heat or lack of water, which sometimes goes hand in hand... With the 103F you mentioned, that is my guess. More water.


yea .... we have been getting really hot weather in central cali for the past week it will be 105 tomorrow and then after that in the high 90s till about next week then it will be back in the 80s where i like it

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I'm a mid 60s person myself....

We had some intense weather on the east coast the past few days, an earthquake out of nowhere, then a hurricane. Plus some past 100+ days as of late....

I'm leaning towards you need more water for your plant. Droopy leaves mean 1 of 2 things most of the time, too much, or not enough water.


Well-Known Member
Your wrong this is very serious~ The drooping looks more like a over watering droop. This is the claw droop, lack of water is more of a straight down droop. I think it's your watering/feeding schedule. That does look like a bigger pot. Do you water till you get a little flush out the bottom? You should! I wouldn't water every other day let it dry out good then water good!


no i dont have a ppm ...... ok i put new pictures .... the other pics where taken at night and these ones were just taken at 9:20am


Do you live in Stockton? LMAO. The heat is killing me too man. Some of my plants look like someone took a flamethrower to them.


lol .... im in central cali ... tulare county ..... im pretty sure its the heat thats raping my lady plant but i just wanted to make sure