Leaves are getting Spots and dying! HELP PLEASE!

I do have pictures of the problem however i left them at home this morning. I will have pics posted a little after lunch.

My Problem:
My plant is about 1 month into the flower cycle and i only have CFL lights. With that said i have 6 55W=300W incandescent and 4 26W=100W incandescent and in all this is creating about 25000 lumens.
My plant has been enjoying the lights and growing a lot with them. Now being about 1 month into flower i have some of my fan leaves developing spots. These spots are dark olive green in color and after a few days that particular spot on the plant is dead and dry and crunchy.
I believe it is Ozone burn created from my lights. The lights are pretty close to the plant, about 6-8 inches away.
Can i stop this from happening? do i need my lights farther away?

The Ruined

Active Member
If no one else answers I'd at least move the lights a little farther away. Do you also happen to have a fan on the plants?

Side note: New Mexico mountains eh. I use to live in Toas, beautiful ski valley ever been?
I do have 2 different fans circulating air. I have the grow in my bathroom and i have a small fan blowing just over top of the plant and a second much larger fan blowing fresh air into the bathroom from the bathroom entrance. and the bathroom vent on to circulate the bad air out.

I live in Santa Fe. I love Toas. I go up there one weekend a month now during the winter for skiing and i ref hockey on the side.


Active Member
U def want to check for insects. Sometimes spots come from spider mites attacking the leafs. Also it could be a magnesium deficiency. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Sound like magnesiom or some other dific your lights are fine with fan... check ph also goodluck.......

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
The "olive green" part is what confuses me.

If it were brownish, rust colored, that'd indicate calcium deficiency.
If it were whitish, tan colored, that'd be magnesium deficiency.

Most other deficiencies don't appear as spots. They either start at the edges of the leaf or at the base of the leaf. Sometimes pH spotting will appear this way and it can kill off a plant rather quick.

But, based on the time of growth, and the color you are describing, and the crunched up leaves that appear very fast, I'm going to have to go with a Phosphate issue.

If you are 100% positive your pH is in range for your system then the solution for your problem would be a high Phosphate bloom supplement.

If I had a picture I could be more certain. I'd really need to see the plant before standing behind this diagnosis. You can take a look at pH spotting and Phosphate deficiency with a quick google search to see if your plant looks like those plants.
Ok. I ran home at lunch to get my pics and now post them.
You will see a bigger wider pic and in the pic you can see leaves already at the point of dead where i take them off in the top part of the pic. The others are of the leaves them selves. One pic is a leaf which is already gone and at that point all the discolor is dead and crunchy. The other 2 pics are of leaves which just had spots form and they will prolly be dead in a few days.


I have not done a PH test on the soil. I am using Ocean Forest. I do use some nutes as time goes by. Im not sure the brand but one bottle says "Micro" and is 4-0-0 and the other bottle says "Bloom" and is 0-5-4. I am no longer using the Micro and i prolly use the Bloom every other or every 3 times i water it.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Looks like a pH issue for sure now.
Definitely related to phosphates, but more is not necessarily the answer.
I total agree that you need the micro and the bloom together. What you probably have is General Hydroponics. You should google "Lucas Formula soil" and see what comes up.

Basically you're dropping salt solution on an organic system. Effectively killing off most if not all of the beneficial microbes in the soil, and making it as good as inert. Without the microbes salts then continue to build up without being broken down and absorbed. Over time this will skew the pH of the media.

You need to flush your system and get an organic bloom supplement, or make your own high phosphorus and potassium organic tea. There are many tutorials online for you to search for that can teach you how to create an organic tea and rebuild dead soil.

Most people who use your nutrients use them in Hydroponics. You're doing chemicals in soil... It works... but not really... sort of the worse of both worlds rather than the best.
I haven't used the micro now for about 5-6 weeks and i have only been using the Bloom for that period. When i did use the micro i did not use the bloom with it. These spots i think have been started now for 10-14 days. Its primarily one just one branch but just the other day i saw the spots on a different branch.
The plant has been through a lot with my light falling on it and snapping it in half. I then LST the branches i had remaining and then one of the branches broke off as well.
Can you recommend some good nutes to be using with the soil. I will look up some different ingredients for a high phosphorus and potassium tea. I am wondering what other people may use with their soil.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I like BioCanna and Roots Organics systems for soil. There's a ton of stuff out there I haven't tried though, so keep your eyes open. Take a look around at other peoples soil grows to see what works best for them to get an idea of what you might want to do.


Well-Known Member
u saying u are having spots on your plants? with your pics its hard to see exactly.. are you spraying your plants while the lights are on? that will cause spots on your plants due to burns and u dont wanna do that
No i haven't ever sprayed anything onto the leaves on the plant. All waterings have been with the soil only. I do on occasion get dry ice and i will give the plant some dry ice gas or the pure O2 and some water may splash out of the container down onto the plant but not much.
I have only done the dry ice thing 3X. not sure if there is a big gain out of it yet.