Leave tips curling downwards?


Well-Known Member
If you do a search you will find numerous threads on this subject here on RIU.

Looks like over watering to me but what do I know.


Active Member
Dont think its that, and the reason is because the soil was very dry and the leaves were showing the curls. I watered last night.

This morning I observed them like they are in the pic, the plant has perked up considdrablg but the tips remain curly.


Well-Known Member
looks exactly like what my burmese kush did,I ruled out overwatering, Im pretty sure what caused it for me was supernova ,a kelp extract from american hydroponics,i saw really explosive veg growth with it but at recommended dose really burned a white widow and did that to the kush .When I stopped using it on the B. kush the new growth was normal ,although the curling at the tips remained through the whole grow.


Active Member
Anyone think it could be a cal or mag issue?

Reason being is when they were in their old pots I didnt use lime and watered with strictly distilled. When I transplant I put lime in new soil.

Perhaps the plant hasnt received any lime yet? Im just theorizing. I read about using lime on this forum when people were discussing distilled water.


Active Member
I have the technaflora beginners nutrient kit and I follow the recipe I used 1/4 strength for the first time I fed nutes and then 3 watering later I used half strength.

Plants 4 weeks old


Active Member
Indeed. Inch of perlite at bottom, soil is fluffy/airy. FFOF.

Root mass is admittidly very tough, tougher than the surrounding soil. I transplanted 8 days ago. Definite growth since then.


Well-Known Member
yeh im mines doin the same im using hydro tho not soil after a recent revelationn it seems(hopefully) was the nutes id messed up and down to heat IMG_0039.jpg

as u can see not cool!

oh and sum maybe over watering coz as new to this we always think we aint watering enough


Active Member
My take: The roots aren't getting enough air. The medium is too thick or you are over-watering. You could try replanting with a medium that has more pearlite. It has worked for me in the past. I dont really see nutrient problems because the color looks good and there is no damage. It makes me nervous to let the soil dry out also.


Active Member
So I did transplant them once, and the soil that originally held the plant is noticeably harder then the mix I put it in.

Which brings me to my question: how can I safely loosen up the root mass without damaging it too much? And, does anyone else think this may be a cause?

Thanks so much.