
So 2 of my plants have some yellow leaves but most look very healthy. So why are some yellow?? And on 1 of the plants both the leaves are yellow and the leaves are facing down.. Im guessing something to do with water maybe idk! Is it also normal if the leaves on a plant on standing straight up?? just wondering why some where doing that.
thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
Could be many many different things that no one would be able to diagnose with the information you provided, I suggest you spend some time in the Plant Problems forum to learn more on how to read your plants. Usually yellowing leaves is some kind of nitrogen deficiency.


Rebel From The North
Some of the top things that can cause yellowing

1) lack of nute IE. Nitrogen/magnesium
2) to much nutes IE nitrogen/ magnesium causing a lockout
3) PH being off causing a nute lockout
4) lack off water can cause mild yellowing then death
5) heat also will cause it in extreme cases
6) there are more but these are the most common things

Things to help solve this is flush x3 the volume of your bucket
And start from fresh to solve the ph issues same for over feeding

Under feeding simple add more nutes, start by adding little by little
Old yellow leave dont get green so watch new growth

Heat issue can be a bitch short of a AC unit bringing in fresh air
Is key