Learning To Play Bass


Well-Known Member
i decided to pick up a bass today any tips or help on how to play
p.s. im new to bass so any advice is good


Active Member
Drumfag myself. Best way to get good at an instrument is to learn the basics so thoroughly that you want to shoot yourself any time you study them again. Learning to play in key is pro shit, and its how you solo. Also find a drummer to jam with when you get better and just learn to play and feel as you go.

another pro tip is don't just play songs you like. I was awful at drums when I started because all I would do is sit down play the same couple of songs that I liked and moved on. Now I switch up what I play until I've learned the ins and outs, I go from heavy metal to jazz to jammin along to electronica, hip hop, easy listening, pop, punk, hardcore, everything.

It's all about taking things you hear in other music and combining them to find your own style. No one wants to hear some fag trying to play bass like Flea, its been done before and no one will ever admit you're better than Flea no matter what because you're just 'copying' him.

Oh and for the love of god learn to play to a metronome/click track. Nothing more annoying than trying to jam with someone and having them go out of time. It doesn't matter if all you can play is really basic crap as long as it's in time it'll sound 1000000x better than you going off time trying to play shit beyond your level.
It's easy to get discouraged when trying to learn a new instrument. I think the best thing is to keep yourself interested and have fun, while making an attempt to learn something new every once in a while. Get some literature or videos so that you can develop a solid foundation, so you don't have to "unlearn" bad techniques once you get more serious. But, yeah, keep yourself interested; learn the songs that you like to listen to. If you're not having fun and just studying scales and music theory it gets old pretty fast. As the guy above me said, bass is a fairly easy instrument but it's critical that you've got good timing and can keep tempo. Memorize the notes on the fretboard and some basic scales and you're on your way. I taught myself to play guitar by reading tablature online, I never studied any theory and so it got to a point where it was like "monkey see, monkey do" for me. I could learn a song and play it well, but I couldn't improvise or create my own music because I had no fundamental understand of music, notes and their relation to one another. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
befor you get carried away, get it tuned and then spend a month or 2 just playing around and getting used to the feel..............when you have the feel for it you can start to learn, maybe with your favourite tracks


Well-Known Member
The bass rocks and stick with it no matter what. I am currently fingering out the stand up bass and one day will learn the cello. By the by, there are a lot of good videos on youtube and just a suggestion, look up Victor Wooten (he was one of my bass heroes growing up). Though the man that got me started on bass was Lemmy.


Active Member
i decided to pick up a bass today any tips or help on how to play
p.s. im new to bass so any advice is good

I've got advice. Learn to play guitar and when you fail miserably pick up the bass and...

you'll be groovin in no time.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Do you have any prior musical experience? I find that no matter what instrument you played in school, or maybe you just liked to whistle out tunes... That shit is totally transferable to other instruments and makes learning easier.

If no prior background, I really think it takes a whole lot more time & patience to get good. I personally can't recall any musician friends that didn't start at an early age, in one form or another. Not trying to be a bummer or anything.

Keep at it. And youtube is difinately your friend. Wish it was around when I was learning.


Well-Known Member

I've got advice. Learn to play guitar and when you fail miserably pick up the bass and...

you'll be groovin in no time.
Really? Why are there always assholes when someone is actually asking for help? Let me guess, you play neither the bass nor the guitar? Voila, you're a douchebag!


Well-Known Member
you know that rosin bass players use?

that stuff is awesome for the musically retarded in a boxstore...
it even works on smaller lengths, flat bars, and tubes