Learn with me: The blind leading the blind


This is day five of flowering.....I think. Im not sure exactly how to measure it, but it has been five days since my first sign of flowering.



Day 12 of flower.

I am using 2 tblsp of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and 1tblsp of Fox Farm Big Bloom per gallon of water.

These pics were taken right before watering. The last pic is my fifth plant which wasnt in the other pics.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
welcome to the world of bondage!
around here we like to tie things around. you should try it! its fun and enjoyable!

just get some strings and start tying around!

or seriously - tie the plants down to create even canopy. you should get as many buds as close as possible to the light, without burning them.
if you tie them down creating a screen way more buds gets way more light and you get way more yield.

search on LST.

you might even wanna use screen if you can and tie the plants around it. if the stems aren't too stiff.


Had a bit of a scare here lately. Storm knocked out the power. I was out of town but the ladies appear to be fine. I have no idea how long the power was out.



Active Member
Great thread, I just read the whole thing. Plants look GREAT Toku!! I am a n00b as well and will make a thread like this and hopefully get some followers like Night Clap and Tom. Good luck with the rest of your flowering and I will keep an eye out for the harvest!!!


Yeah, thanks for commenting Claptoman.

I had been feeding every time I water, but recently I started alternating just water and then water plus nutes so I only feed every other watering. Is there anything else I should be doing?

I was kind of confused as to whether it was over feeding, or lacking a particular nutrient. What is it you look for to notice a difference?

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
feed every watering, just lower the emount a bit.
if it doesn't effect more parts of the plant - it is fine.

after the watering that caused the burn you can use water alone, but I like to feed on a regular basis.


What is wrong with this plant?

I have fed it the same as my other plants and it looks completely different than the others.

The only difference between this plant and the rest, is that this plant was grown in Miracle Gro potting soil while the rest were transplanted to Fox Farms Ocean Forest.

Any recommendations or ideas?


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
If the leaves are crisp it might be phosphorous deficiency.

After trying to correct the color of your pictures it looks like excesive heat issues as well.

Check your temps near the cola and if thats not the issue add some more P to the blend this plant gets.

Thats if it looks like the attached picture.


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Looks mighty fine to me.

Thats the stage I usually get as many buds as close to the light as I can to let them fatten up as much as possible.

I don't remember what it says, but you really should check on what the down curling of the leaves means. That is some problems that are going to pop.


Havent posted in a while. Got in a mood to take some pics.

These pics are of the same plant, the second pic is one of the lower buds.



I took a bunch of pics today and decided to share.

Im still patiently waiting for harvest. I have one plant that seems closer than the rest and Im watching the trichomes closely but they are still mostly cloudy.

I have been in flower now for over 70 days.

