leafy female

I have a female plant, about 110 days old. This plant is excessively leafy, even at this stage of development. There are bracts and white/brown hairs all over the branches and arms, but buried way inside. The plant is densely covered w/many single-finger leaves, making more every day. It's as thought the plant wants to make more leaves than buds. These leafy buds are sticky w/resin and a nice potent fragrance, but the plant shows no sign of slowing down the leaf production in favor of bud production. Has anyone any experience w/a plant like this, and can tell me what to expect or how best to progress from this point? One possible solution that occurs to me, is to pollenate part or all of the plant, and use it for seed production instead of buds.


If your plant isnt getting enough lumens, from insufficient light, or light being to far away, or not penetrating the canopy well, it will produce more leafy buds.