LEAF TIPS CURLING DOWN??? help please...


here are some blue cheese 6-7 weeks from seed (ones in middle only 4 weeks) under 600w hps 18/6 -day/night. some are worse than others but most of the tips of the fan leaves are curling down could it be to do with temp/humidity/light??? i haven't got a clue this is my first crop and i don't want anything to go wrong i did have an issue with overwatering but it looks like they've bounced back coulkd this be the problem??? please help........




Well-Known Member
Could be over fert of N. They look a little too lush to me, although that could just be the strain.

But it also still looks a bit like overwatering too. Leave em to parch for a day extra next time. What temp is your room? Heat can also cause leaf tips to droop I believe.

Edit: Maybe not overfert on second viewing. But the leaves look puffy, like they are overwatered, so back to too much water or heat I suppose...


yeah just been looking at another post which said almost the same... the temp is between 20 and 30 C i know its a bit of a step but its difficult in the place where it is to keep the temp moderate do u think it could be the temp??


New Member
Did you figure out exactly what was wrong? Mine look almost exactly like yours. I think it may have have been overwatering but all but one has recovered so I'm confused. First time growing as well! Feel like a new parent...lol.