Leaf rolling problem?

It's my first grow, and I have blue hash plant, white widow and pineapple express going right now. I'm about a week into my hydro grow.

Growing in Cocogro (flushed)
ph is at 6.0
using a 250w MH bulb about 6-8 inches above plants.
Fresh distilled reservoir change last night.
On an 18/6 lightcycle with watering every 4 hours.

Anyways, the plant leaves seem to be curling up, not much discoloration, if at all. Room temp is at 76 farenheit.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Edges of leaves curling up can be a sign of heat stress. How hot is it right above the plant?
above the plant I don't think it's any hotter than 80-82 farenheit, I've got a small fan set up a little above the top of the plants to keep airflow/cooling.. my light is about 6-8 inches above them, with a 250w MH, I figured heat wouldn't be that much of a problem.. I may try moving the light another 2-4 inches and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
#1water much less,#2 use better medium,#3 try more alkaline ph, #4and dont use distilled water.
#1water much less,#2 use better medium,#3 try more alkaline ph, #4and dont use distilled water.

1. When I water, by the 4th hour the top of the medium is dry to the touch, and a fingertip an inch down is slightly moist. With coco the water just drains right out, never had any drooping problems. Pic was taken just after the 4PM water, that's why it looks so saturated.

2. I had heard that coco fiber medium was amongst the best for hydro? It doesn't have the ph swings that hydroton has.

3. I'd also heard for hydro, especially with coco, ph should be around 5.8-6.0.

4. Distilled water may be the wrong word.. I use tap water that I let sit for 3 days before putting it into my reservoir.

I'm using fox farms nutes at 20% of suggested dosage.

@ Huh?? - Yes, that's my Blue Hash Plant.. strong little fucker I'll tell you that, lol.


Well-Known Member
@ Huh?? - Yes, that's my Blue Hash Plant.. strong little fucker I'll tell you that, lol.
I'm guessing it's a deformation,as it is very common to see this in the Blueberry family.
Just my 2 cents
Is this the only one showing this "leaf rolling"?
I'm guessing it's a deformation,as it is very common to see this in the Blueberry family.
Just my 2 cents
Is this the only one showing this "leaf rolling"?

Hmm, it shows the most of the rolling problem (maybe it's just getting anxious about me rolling it up in a few months).. my white widow is showing rolling on one of the new leafs, which is closest to the light, so I'm starting to think that's the problem.

My pineapple express is doing fine, showing a little bit of a crinkle/dry leaf problem on the edges, but no discoloration or rolling.. I think that may just be a nute problem since it's so young..

It doesn't really seem to be harming the plants, their growth is still pretty explosive. Just want to make sure this won't turn into a bigger problem later.

I'll get more pics uploaded and I may start a journal soon.


Active Member
Coco's a great medium, you're ph should be fine for hydro, if anything may want to start trying a more acidic solution every once and awhile, say 5.5. And I'm pretty sure you should probably start using distilled water actually... Definately don't use tap water. I would suggest watering less often though. Heat does appear to be the problem.


New Member
While your wandering eye makes me uneasy, this is spot on.. the leaves do feel dry to the touch.

Any pointers on raising humidity?
yeah - raise the light / put a clear plastic cup upside down over the baby.
250mh raise it to like 10-16" away on babies.
yeah - raise the light / put a clear plastic cup upside down over the baby.
250mh raise it to like 10-16" away on babies.

Alrighty, I'm going to try the plastic cups when I get back from work, as well as raising the light a bit more..

There seems to be a pretty common consensus that I'm overwatering.. should I knock it back from every 4 hours to about every 6 hours? Go from 6 waters to 4 a day?

Will my medium retain enough moisture for this? Any coco growers out there with tips?


New Member
Will my medium retain enough moisture for this? Any coco growers out there with tips?
I was watering 8 times a day in veg (every 3 hrs in coco mix on w/ drip emitters) and it was fine - runoff every time. you aren't over watering. I haven't read everyones responses here but I'm assuming they thought that was overwatering - its not. coco has really good aeration and drains really well you can water it 8 times a day and have no problems. all you need to really check is pH, nute ppm, temp, humidity, lighting, structure. that one really looks like some temp/humi probs its so small to be under a 250mh as it is and yours was so close.

keep watering 6 times a day, up it to 8 times a day. coco holds a lot of air so frequently adding water makes sure roots are always supplied with nutrients. I noticed a huge growth burst when I went from 1x every few days (like in soil) to 8x a day with drip (like hydro). coco is hydro, not soil, so don't listen to the soil guys, treat it as rockwool or hydroton - an inert media - even though it has trace amnts of nutes in it.
overwatering - taken today by me

too much and too little water can look really similar, I know that much. so which is yours?

The way the leaves curl slightly on the edges looks a bit similar to mine, but I don't have much of that problem on all of my plants.. some displayed a bit of crinkles on their first true leaves, but no discoloration or anything like that.

I moved my light up another 6 inches, so I'm sitting at 14 above growth right now.. I'm getting a 400w MH/HPS (switchable digi ballast, woot) soon, so I'm really liking the help in avoiding heat stress..

I haven't gotten to go to the store to pick up any plastic cups yet, but I do have glass ones.. will the glass create a magnifying effect and lead to burn? Or should it be alright? Until I get something set up I have a glass of water set up in the middle of my growing stations (Built my system myself, I'll get picks of it up soon) directly under the light, hoping for evaporation and humidity as a result.

Thanks for all of your help dbo!


New Member
The way the leaves curl slightly on the edges looks a bit similar to mine, but I don't have much of that problem on all of my plants.. some displayed a bit of crinkles on their first true leaves, but no discoloration or anything like that.

I moved my light up another 6 inches, so I'm sitting at 14 above growth right now.. I'm getting a 400w MH/HPS (switchable digi ballast, woot) soon, so I'm really liking the help in avoiding heat stress..

I haven't gotten to go to the store to pick up any plastic cups yet, but I do have glass ones.. will the glass create a magnifying effect and lead to burn? Or should it be alright? Until I get something set up I have a glass of water set up in the middle of my growing stations (Built my system myself, I'll get picks of it up soon) directly under the light, hoping for evaporation and humidity as a result.

Thanks for all of your help dbo!
glass is fine if it will fit it is good, tupperware work too - just some extra humidity for her while she catches up with new vegetative growth. if you were so close with the metal halide that is certainly what I think it was; the leaf drying out because the light was too intense on it.