Leaf question (odd curling) not burning


New Member
I've noticed that my leafs are curling but they are curling in a weird way. here is a picture:


I've started flushing with water about a week ago. A total of 5 gallons so far have been flushed through the system, also since it's hydroponics I believe the nutrients are not a problem.
SO is this normal? I've been searching for picture but can't find any. It seems pretty normal but what do you think?


New Member
No. It's a pretty gentle breeze. The temperature usually hovers at a max of 80 degrees but I try to keep it at 75.


What PPMs? Hydro or Soil?

I see a bit of canoeing on your other leaves. Pobbible your light is too close? Although it looks like youre using LED's or something.



New Member
What PPMs? Hydro or Soil?

I see a bit of canoeing on your other leaves. Pobbible your light is too close? Although it looks like youre using LED's or something.

If the light is too close then how come other colas are doing fine? I am trying to keep the LEDs as far away as possible but the plant keeps trying to grow closer to them.