Leaf Discolored Please Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey I have been growing a white widow and purple widow plant in the same "earthbox" for quite some time, id say about 3 months now. It was inside but about 2 weeks ago I brought it outside, because it was getting to big. I went out to check on it, and Purple Widow looks great, and is starting to bud purple :mrgreen: . However the White widow, some of the leafs are discolored.. couple of the lower ones are yellowish, and top ones are brown with small spots. This is only the case for about 10 of the leafs, on the whole plant. And im pretty sure there are no mites, or bugs on them. I check them everytime and havent seen anything. I am not using any Nutes, I water every other day, with about 2 liters. The earthbox came with from nutes, but im sure they stopped working now. But the earthbox prevents you from overwatering im pretty sure, but maybe not, please tell me what you guys think.Also if you have any other suggestions like, if I should be using nutes.. or anything else please tell me, I would like to get as much bud as possible. This is a clone by the way, and its about 3 months old.

Someone please help me!!

This is a picture of one of the lower yellowish leaf

And herhttps://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-pics/index.php?n=4145e are a couple of the top ones

And here is a picture of the both plants, and one of the purple bud, just to show you the overall look. For some reason couldnt get close to the bud without camera getting blurry, and it just started budding, but you can see the purple, kinda hard in picture, but I will post some new ones, when they are all purple.

Thanks for any help that you guys give me.


Well-Known Member
Whoops I kinda messed up on the pictures, and they are really small. Just click my gallery to see them. But I would really like some help as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Someone told me to mix some wood ash in with water, next time I water... anyone think this will help, someone just please give me some advice, even if you have never grown, just give me some ideas. Thanks


Well-Known Member
well it looks like some burns, one looks like it was cause by water drops, the rest looks like nutes burns. so if you use fertilizer, do you pH the mix and do you pH your water before you pour it on? if not and you used fertilizer, the first aid would be to flush the soil out, basically means this to rinse the acid salts out of the soil with a shitload of water. the damage which is already done will stay/leaves will die of, but the plant will recover probably.


They really don't look that bad. Minor mistakes if any - and some of it even looks like minor heat stress somehow. Don't worry unless it continues to progress.


Well-Known Member
wow thanks so much guys for helping me out. I think russor is right however, because I am not using any nutes lol. Because I read alot about leave discoloring, and everything said Nute defiency or Nute burn. But Im not using nutes. Also Purple is starting to bud, should I start using some Nutes? Or trimming leaves or something. Thanks for the help you have given already guys, you guys are awesome. :)


Well-Known Member
If it is heat stress, how would I prevent it? Its not like its indoor grow and I could just put some fans on it or anything. Perhaps I should throw some Sunscreen on them, im thinking like Bannaboat SPF 25. lol any ideas would be great about now, kinda in a hole. Also if anyone else has any other ideas about what is wrong with them, please tell. Im not using any nutes... I repeat I am not using any nutes. So its not a Nute burn. Maybe I need to start using some nutes? what do you guys think?