leaf and stem symptoms. possible diagnosis?

If i had a marijuana plant that had the symptoms of leaves curling around the edges and a few purple or dark colored stems but no yellowing or any other symptoms what could be the prproblem. Cfl setup 6 bulbs 122 actual watts total organic soil and nutrients fed once a week 3gal pot only 2 gal of soil vegged 3 wks started flower 4 days ago no sex yet. Loud bagseed.


Yeah my temp varies from 75 to 80 throughout the daytime but its been that since i germinated. So i was iffy as to if it was heat stress. If i lower temps will the leaves go back to normal? As long as that is the issue.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes they recover if you fix it fast enough but most of mine never recovered lol I've manifolded all my plants so they get chopped off anyways if it happens early on