Layers and spikes. Suggestions!!


Well-Known Member
Morning all,
I finished filling my 200 gallon raised bed and now want to put a layer under the root ball and a few spikes around it.

Was thinking of mixing up a few materials. Equal parts, half gallon of each, fresh ewc, alpaca manure, composted steer manure, regular compost and leaf mold.

Then adding 1/2 cup Gaia power bloom 2-8-4 and some fresh chopped comfrey.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

Have a doobie day!!


Well-Known Member
mix it all really well and let it sit for a week or so if possible. adding water and stirring it up a lot. that will get it all balanced out before sticking your lady in there but even if you just use it as is , you will do great! EDIT: i just seen it was just a yes , that layer will help a LOT. sprinkle some myco on the roots , you cant go wrong.


Well-Known Member
Thanks getogrow.

I ended up doing a layer that consisted of about 2 1/2 gallons of the mentioned mixture. I did add 1/2 cup kelp meal. That went about 20” deep.

I then did 8 spikes. 4 larger, and 4 smaller. The larger ones went approx 12” to 14”, and the smaller ones around 8” deep. These were filled with a 10 gallon mixture of the same ingredients.

The 200 gallon bed has a month before the girl goes in!!

I’m pretty stoked to see what transpires!!!




Well-Known Member
You can see where I put my spikes around the Red Haired Beauty and Maui!!

It’s gonna be a fun year!!!




Well-Known Member
The soil for the RHB consists of:
-72 g original soil
-18 g leaf mold
-36 g composted steer manure
-18 g compost
-29 g perlite
-36 g promix hp
-5 heaping shovels rotted wood

To this I added these amendments:
-5 cups dlime
-5 cups gypsum
-5 cups osf
-25 cups Gaia 4-4-4
-25 cups Gaia kelp meal 1-0-3
-2.5 cups Gaia rock phos 0-3-0
-5 cups Gaia power bloom 2-8-4
-10 tbsp fish bone meal 6-12-0
-2.5 cups epsom salt
-2.5 cups neem meal 4-3-2

The soil for the Maui consists of:
-72 g original soil
-9 g leaf mold
-27 g compost
-36 g composted steer manure
-29 g perlite
-36 g promix hp
-5 heaping shovels rotted wood

To this I added these amendments:
-5 cups gypsum
-5 cups osf
-25 cups Gaia 4-4-4
-25 cups Gaia kelp meal 1-0-3
-2.5 cups Gaia rock phos 0-3-0
-5 cups Gaia power bloom 2-8-4
-2.5 cups epsom salt
-2.5 cups neem meal 4-3-2


Well-Known Member
Here the girls are today. Doing extremely well, looking extremely happy.

Well the scrog didn’t go quite as planned. Should have chopped a few more branches off the Maui. So it’s gonna be a sloped scrog. Should be interesting.

The RHB is doing very well and she’s very happy!!

Happy growing everyone!!

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Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Wow your plants are lookin nice green and bushy; off to a great start!
Spikes work great for long term feeding especially through flowering. I have mixed up my own with amendments like this in the past but find its even easier to use pre-made organic spikes from Jobes. I use the all purpose garden vegetable formula which is mostly made of blood and bone meal. They are like little dried cat turds you just plug in the soil...Ez breezy
I also used to try and layer my containers with various amendments like a German chocolate cake but it seemed like a lot of effort for seemingly no difference in how the plants grow. Seems to work the same just adding the amendments in the mix and letting it sit for awhile.
I do however begin with a high N layer in the bottoms when I build up my final flowering pots. I mix in a handful of dried chicken and cow manure to my recycled amended soil and then sprinkle some crushed oyster shell on top of that to help buffer ph. Then a bit more soil and mycorrhizae in contact with the root ball for the win. Keeps em green through to harvest.


Well-Known Member
What a year!! Ended up getting 3+ pounds from each plant. Had to take my RHB down about 3 weeks early because of bud rot. It was a very damp cool fall in the Kootenays this year which resulted in everyone getting rot issues.

Took my Maui as far as I could. With a propane heater she did well in the -3 nights.
Running a couple Jack Herer plants in my tent right now under an led light. Growth is very aggressive. Going to monster crop a couple Jack clones and compare the results to my T5 Jack monster crop. I’m thinkin the leds are gonna far out do the T5’s.

Happy growing everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
can we get some main stem porn?
great work!!!

oh man i realized u took them down.
well how about some skeleton porn?