Last 10 days of flowering and it starts to rain outside!! HUMIDITY Help Please.


Hi all,

1x1x2m tent
400w lighting
5" fan/carbon filter
Hydroponic ebb/flow system
4 x plants

I have been merrily keeping the humidity at a nice 38-42% with a temp around 25 degrees.

A few days ago it started to rain and it is forecast rain for the next week. My humidity has shot up to 50-55% and i'm entering the last 10 days.

I am really worried this is going to wreck my crop. I have zero cash to buy a dehumidifier.

Anyone have any ideas of cheap solutions? I have tried putting bowls of perlite in there, but it was only a slight improvement (1%)


Thanks in advance :-)



Virtually Unknown Member
Is the rest of your house/apt air conditioned that you can push some of that air to another room? Other than that just keep the air moving. 50-55 is not that bad, really. How much longer are you thinking on your plants? They look good.


My extraction fan is hooked up to a vent leading to outside the house, so all air is taken out anyway :-)

I am thinking 8-12 days until harvest.


Virtually Unknown Member
My extraction fan is hooked up to a vent leading to outside the house, so all air is taken out anyway :-)

I am thinking 8-12 days until harvest.
I would think you'd be ok, just keep air flow moving. Had a grow with a friend and RH was about 65 during flowering but we had fans blowing and they turned out fine. Good luck!


My room is almost always over 50. Frequently over 60 and i dont have problems. I prune the low stuff and have 3 fans circulating. Your genetics will also play a large factor. Super dense indo buds tend to mold easier.