Large Soil Containers. Rubbermade? 55 Gal Drum? Others?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I just hit up Throwed, he told me to tell you...

"'m here to spread the TRUTH, you only need 5 gallon buckets to grow for a 6-7 month season, anything else is overkill...Keep posting your fake pics and lies, but I'll be here to bust your asses every time and lay down the truth!

5 gallon buckets rule!!!!!!!!!!!! At least, thats what the tattoo on my forehead says!"

Just thought I'd relay the message...
Then ask him how come last year I had plants in 45g containers that were completely rootbound?

Also how come I have plants in 5g pots right now that are rootbound?

(plz let him say something brilliant like "there's no such thing as rootbound!")


Well-Known Member
Then ask him how come last year I had plants in 45g containers that were completely rootbound?

Also how come I have plants in 5g pots right now that are rootbound?

(plz let him say something brilliant like "there's no such thing as rootbound!")
Yeeeaah...I don't actually KNOW Throwed, in fact, I hope he doesn't come back...But I'm sure if it was coming from Throwed, it would be a real gem of


Well-Known Member
Then ask him how come last year I had plants in 45g containers that were completely rootbound?

Also how come I have plants in 5g pots right now that are rootbound?

(plz let him say something brilliant like "there's no such thing as rootbound!")
Didn't want to horn in but being rootbound has little to do with the size of the container, well if it were realy huge it would,(cause the plant would finish before reaching the sides, lol) but practically speaking. The roots travel horizontally until they encounter the sides. Of course they can't penetrate so they go searching for other areas guess where? By circling; the real disadvantage is the lost use of media in the center! Roots at the sides means hotter roots too and less energies spendt on gettin huge. At last "Smart Pots", solving the problem by air contact, the root tip ceases to "search" but developes more lateral root branches. It does requiring more frequent waterings. Small trade off imo. There are several manuf'ers out, so shop around. I like Root Organics brand. Peace Badmf...


Well-Known Member
Not using 5 gallon buckets. I am using 5 gallon grow bags. The grow bags I have are narrow but taller than the buckets, but they still hold 5 gallons of soil. I have some plants in grow bags and I have several in the ground. Most of my plants were germinated late Feb.27-28/March 1st. I figure if the root balls of the ones that are in the ground are the same as the ones that are in the 5 gallon grow bags then this will prove that 5 gallon is all that is needed for a standard 6-7 month grow. To be fair to the experiment I dug out a hole today that is 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep. Tomorrow I am going to fill it with my custom soil mixture of Evergreen Cow Compost, Evergreen Potting Mix, Pearlite, Vermiculite, Mushroom Compost, Green Sense Mycorrhizal fungi, Dolimite Lime, Azomite, and Kricket Krap Panzy Mate. After which I am going to soak it in the last bit of Fox Farm Grow Big I have with a bit of Super Thrive and Sodium Peroxide. Then I am going to throw one of my 2 Foot 5 inch KC Mangos in the hole. The KC Mango that is in the bag is 3 foot and is not filling that bag out at all. Surely if what everone claims is true then the Mango that I put in the ground tomorrow should have a bigger root ball since it has a "bigger container". It would be nice if you did a similar experiment so we can compare The South to Cali.
I know that Cruzer101 did some jaw dropping grows outside I mean staggering monsters I think he had 25 gal. and the root balls were considerable. As a former landscaper I can say that yes you can grow in 5 gal but there is a lot more Stability and moisture availability in the larger pot and therefore the potential for less trips to the spot less tracks to be seen. But in the end it is a small issue you do what you find practical. Either way may it bring you joy.