LANDRACE Colombian Gold + Lumigrow Pro 650 + 500w CFL + Dyna Gro + 5x5 Gorilla Tent

Sow to Grow

Well-Known Member
I just don't get how The lumigrow 650w can run cooler at around double the wattage of the CLW ss400.......have you checked for flaws?/emailed george at CLW? , he's an electrical engineer and definitely knows his panels better than anyone ...
Based on calculations, the LumiGrow Pro 650 and Pro 325 put out 1600 and 800 BTU/hr respectively. If anyone has seen the CLW fixtures' heat output, please share. The Pro series diodes are specified at twice the efficiency of the older ES330 series diodes. Incidentally, the ES330 diodes are from the same diode manufacturer that is specified in the current CLW solarstorm fixtures. That said, it's not surprising that the Pro 650 runs cooler than the CLW SS400.


Well-Known Member
If you're attempting to cash-crop landrace sativas hoping for frosty buds, someone lied to you at some point. Far leaning sativas are an experience, not just something that f*cks you up and they sure as sh*t don't have much 'street bag appeal'. Assuming the genetics are there and you've grown these right, they'll be in a league of their own as compared to that indica garbage that is dense and white.

Don't expect these flowers to 'look good' at harvest. I mean, they'll look great if you know how sativas are supposd to look, but if you're looking for frosty, chop them now and cut your loses.
Lol. I doubt cash cropping will ever be on my to-do list. I think I mentioned that I won't be selling any of this. Tis' all for me :weed: I know Landraces are in a league of their own and won't share much resemblance to the bag-appealing indicas, but I was hoping these could get a least fairly resinous. I'm talking more about the other strains in my garden, though. The SSH x c99, Lavender, and El Alquimista. I don't really know what to expect with the CGs, but if I get really sexy looking buds from the hybrids, I'll have confidence that the CG will turn out great, too.


Well-Known Member
Update 2.4.13

Colombian Gold#1 - She's now the only CG in my garden. Her sister was chopped because I needed to make room :-/ Sad, but I think it was best. Now, she gets a 110lpm pump and the Lumigrow all to herself!

Lavender - No signs of resin yet :cuss:

El Alquimista - This bitch is crazy. I can't believe she got this big.

SSH x C99 - I think I would've gotten better yields with one plant instead of putting 2 in the same bucket. I'm always learning something new.



Well-Known Member
That CG looks like a monster! Here's a tip, take it or leave it: I'd recommend thinning that plant out. 'Lollipop' those bottom branches, maybe even think about bending or topping some of those main growth shoots. Try to limit the number of total budsites otherwise you'll end up with a lot of airy flowers. Nothing wrong with airy flowers when it comes to sativas, it's just easier to manage/trim/check for pests with a limited number of main branches. Fewer budsites means the remaining budsites will fill in really well...for a sativa.

Lookin' good in there, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, mayne! I'll take any advice you care to give me. I'm totally new to this, so if I can get buds half as nice as yours, I'll be thrilled. I cleared everything under the SCROG, but I wasn't sure if I should trim more. I'll take some pics after the trim. I'm thinking I'll just do a little bit every day for like a week until I get it where I want it to prevent stressing her out too much.


Well-Known Member
If you're attempting to cash-crop landrace sativas hoping for frosty buds, someone lied to you at some point. Far leaning sativas are an experience, not just something that f*cks you up and they sure as sh*t don't have much 'street bag appeal'. Assuming the genetics are there and you've grown these right, they'll be in a league of their own as compared to that indica garbage that is dense and white.

Don't expect these flowers to 'look good' at harvest. I mean, they'll look great if you know how sativas are supposd to look, but if you're looking for frosty, chop them now and cut your loses.
You my friend have given nothing but excellent advice throughout^^^^^........couldn't agree more/ might even say let nothing but the sun grow these pure sats, indoors they need allot of supervision but if you can finish one out(I never have due to many factors) it will reward you....

Based on calculations, the LumiGrow Pro 650 and Pro 325 put out 1600 and 800 BTU/hr respectively. If anyone has seen the CLW fixtures' heat output, please share. The Pro series diodes are specified at twice the efficiency of the older ES330 series diodes. Incidentally, the ES330 diodes are from the same diode manufacturer that is specified in the current CLW solarstorm fixtures. That said, it's not surprising that the Pro 650 runs cooler than the CLW SS400.
NOT POSSIBLE.......we live on earth so amps x volts = watts........a watt is a watt. Their is no way a 365watt CLW ss400 will run hotter than a Pro 650watt panel UNLESS they are lying about their ACTUAL total wattage just like their par #'s. I'm sorry I still like the lumigrow panels but that bullshit about "lumipar" doubling their ACTUAL par rates was bad marketing IMO. Don't state(on the website) that the pro 325 was doubling the par of the es330 with the same/less wattage(flags went up here/especially guod pointed it out immediately) and then later say it was calculated estimation with the "?lumipar?" formulation but not ACTUAL measurements(changed the website info to reflect this)......when Growers House put up the real par#'s Lumigrow went on the "save face" mode!!

Such horseshit.........Sorry for the highjack.........I need some smoke asap..


Well-Known Member
Here is one of the last bud shots from my longest growing Sativa:

The buds were starting to rot before they fully finished. These late buds smell like pine.


Well-Known Member
NOT POSSIBLE.......we live on earth so amps x volts = watts........a watt is a watt. Their is no way a 365watt CLW ss400 will run hotter than a Pro 650watt panel UNLESS they are lying about their ACTUAL total wattage just like their par #'s. I'm sorry I still like the lumigrow panels but that bullshit about "lumipar" doubling their ACTUAL par rates was bad marketing IMO. Don't state(on the website) that the pro 325 was doubling the par of the es330 with the same/less wattage(flags went up here/especially guod pointed it out immediately) and then later say it was calculated estimation with the "?lumipar?" formulation but not ACTUAL measurements(changed the website info to reflect this)......when Growers House put up the real par#'s Lumigrow went on the "save face" mode!!

Such horseshit.........Sorry for the highjack.........I need some smoke asap..
Well, as I do not have a Kill-A-Watt meter, I can't confirm that the Lumigrow ACTUALLY draws ~650watts, but it's definitely a fukload brighter than its cousin. Maybe, something IS wrong with it and I agree that it doesn't make much sense, but I think the way the heat's managed is the culprit here. The Pro-650 uses big-ass heat sinks and a half a dozen fans, whereas the SS400 just uses 2 fans and a big-ass heatsink. I promise I'm not lying to you when i say that it gets hotter than the 650. I love both of the lights, though. I have nothing against CLW, but I'd probably go with another Lumigrow before I bought another Solar Storm. Time will tell. After I harvest the El Alquimista and SSH x c99, I'll be using both lights to cover that beastly Colombian Gold.


Well-Known Member
The Breakdown on the lumigrow and solarstorm is much appreciated. In terms of sound put out by the unit and fans, which is louder? And is the difference in volume much? Thanks, g!


Well-Known Member
The Breakdown on the lumigrow and solarstorm is much appreciated. In terms of sound put out by the unit and fans, which is louder? And is the difference in volume much? Thanks, g!
The sound is too muffled by all the other shit running to hear either of them, but I'd say that the Lumigrow runs a little louder because it has more fans. They're both pretty stealthy. I'm curious about how hot an induction light gets compared to LED. That'll probably be the next light I buy, if any.


Well-Known Member
My Kessil has a small fan with a slight amount of sound. Pump and plant fans are much louder :)


Well-Known Member
Yesterday was tragic, mon. I had to call into work because upon waking up, I noticed that the A/C unit had fallen over on top of my fukin plantz!!! :evil: It was sitting on top of one of those plastic crates, but it collapsed and the whole thing fell forward, but luckily it was stopped by the bottom part of the tent that doesn't open up, so it only fell forward ~45 degrees.
The reason this happened was because the day before yesterday my roommate decided to go into my room while I was at work and close my window which was being used for the intake & exhaust for the A/C. It uses "evaporation technology" so you don't have to empty a tray, but it couldn't do this with the window shut so the tray overfloweed, the bedroom flooded, the a/c shut down, and by the time I got home it was ~114 degrees in that bitch. Mind you, on top of all this, the exhaust tubes from the A/C were stapled, tied, twisted, and crammed under a stapled curtain. He had to remove ALL this before he could close the fucking thing and he didn't even tell me he did it! Wtf?! Talk about being frustrated when I got home... Anyways, I propped the front of the A/C up because the water drainage is in the far back in case the "evaporation technology" isn't removing all of it and it shuts down if the water level gets too high. I guess the uneven weight caused it to collapse the crate. So, yesterday I had to re-rig my exhaust & intake, clean up as much of the 5-6 gallons of water on the floor that I could, find a short wooden box to prop the a/c up on, raise the lights (plants grew ~8"), and buy a deadbolt for when I'm not there. :cuss::spew::wall::cry: Why can't people use common friggin' sense????????? I've invested almost $5000 dollars into this and if you knew this roommate, you'd know why this is frustrating. He was just telling me about how important it was that I put his apple tv on sleep mode or it'll overheat and that would be a 100 dollar investment down the drain. I just wish he would show the same respect for my things as he expects for his, especially being as anal as he is. I honestly thought he was trying to fuck my shit up on purpose. It really didn't make sense to me, but he apologized profusely and I'd rather not fight with the guy I have to live with, so I just bought the deadbolt. Sorry, I try not to talk shit about people and this is the only place I can bitch without someone getting butthurt.


Well-Known Member
You might want to look into a lock.
Yezzirrr. Shit's deadbolted. I'll be the only person in my room from now on.

Although, some good did come from all this shit. After moving all that shit around, I found out the tarp was blocking the A/C from circulating air. Now, I'm in complete control of my room temps and I'm super happy about that. I keep it @ about 84F because that's what I hear is optimum for LED growing and anything less causes the humidity to skyrocket.

Update 2.10.13 (Day 28 of flowering)



Well-Known Member
That's a fine lookin' sativa. Hopefully those LEDs can penetrate well enough to give you some yield down low.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Why, thank you! I just need them to chill tha fuck out, now. They're ~6.5' tall and only have about a foot or two of wiggle room. I tried defoliated the bottom like you said and if you saw the pile of foliage I removed, you wouldn't believe it. I know it still looks bushy as fuk, but it hurts me too much to remove more than a dozen sites at a time and it definitely promotes upward growth. I went from ~1-2"/day to ~3-4"/day. I would start tying them down, but at the moment I have more vertical room than horizontal.

I promise I'll take some pics with white lighting next time. I can't tell how distorted and purple they look when I'm in there taking pics.


Well-Known Member
Hey man just read through all of this, and all I've got to say is that sativa is a monster man. I hope you get some bud off it, but from how its going I can bet your gonna be looking at 14-16 weeks of flowering till harvest. I ran some pure sativas a couple years ago, and I had to LST them early to keep them under control. Once they were flowering they stretched a good 3 feet, and I had to put rings of line around them to keep the branches from collapsing outwards. I would suggest getting some support on those branches asap so they aren't using anymore energy "holding themselves up" then they have to. If they can focus the energy on growing buds you should get better results. I disagree with anyone that says a sativa won't have bag appeal, or get frosty and beautiful. Now I'm not saying that a sativa bud will look anything like a kush bud, but the sativas I grew had beautifully shaped, and resin coated buds. They took 12-13 weeks to finish flowering, but were awesome, and I pulled an average of 3 oz off each of them. The key to sativas is controlling the stretch, getting enough light peneration, and keeping them healthy for a long enough time.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Why, thank you! I just need them to chill tha fuck out, now. They're ~6.5' tall and only have about a foot or two of wiggle room. I tried defoliated the bottom like you said and if you saw the pile of foliage I removed, you wouldn't believe it. I know it still looks bushy as fuk, but it hurts me too much to remove more than a dozen sites at a time and it definitely promotes upward growth. I went from ~1-2"/day to ~3-4"/day. I would start tying them down, but at the moment I have more vertical room than horizontal.

I promise I'll take some pics with white lighting next time. I can't tell how distorted and purple they look when I'm in there taking pics.
I should have mentioned that I'll usually wait to trim branches until after the stretch (for sativas) because if I do it too early, I get lots of vertical growth. You can also top at any time. Seriously, if I have shoots that grow too tall, I chop off the top 3 nodes or so. The remaining budsites will fill in just fine. Part of me hates hacking up a sativa like that but you do whatcha gotta do to get them to fit under the lights without them taking over an entire tent.


Well-Known Member
I should have mentioned that I'll usually wait to trim branches until after the stretch (for sativas) because if I do it too early, I get lots of vertical growth. You can also top at any time. Seriously, if I have shoots that grow too tall, I chop off the top 3 nodes or so. The remaining budsites will fill in just fine. Part of me hates hacking up a sativa like that but you do whatcha gotta do to get them to fit under the lights without them taking over an entire tent.
diiiiiiiiiick. It's all good. j/k. I'll just remember that next time; I'm always learning something new. And thanks, I had been wondering if it would be bad to just chop the tops off if they got too tall and I couldn't tie em down a bit. As always, I appreciate your knowledge :bigjoint:

Hey man just read through all of this, and all I've got to say is that sativa is a monster man. I hope you get some bud off it, but from how its going I can bet your gonna be looking at 14-16 weeks of flowering till harvest. I ran some pure sativas a couple years ago, and I had to LST them early to keep them under control. Once they were flowering they stretched a good 3 feet, and I had to put rings of line around them to keep the branches from collapsing outwards. I would suggest getting some support on those branches asap so they aren't using anymore energy "holding themselves up" then they have to. If they can focus the energy on growing buds you should get better results. I disagree with anyone that says a sativa won't have bag appeal, or get frosty and beautiful. Now I'm not saying that a sativa bud will look anything like a kush bud, but the sativas I grew had beautifully shaped, and resin coated buds. They took 12-13 weeks to finish flowering, but were awesome, and I pulled an average of 3 oz off each of them. The key to sativas is controlling the stretch, getting enough light peneration, and keeping them healthy for a long enough time.
Awesome! I'm glad to have you here. This is only my 2nd grow and the first one didn't make it to flowering, so your experiences are invaluable to me. How long would you say they stretched for? It's been 4 weeks and they're still truckin' :shock: I've got some bamboo shoots and I just add them as needed, but once the other three plants in back are done flowering (~4 more weeks/March 10th), the CG will have the entire tent to herself and I'll spread her out, tie her down, and do her just the way she likes it :hump: But seriously, that's when I'll add a bunch of bamboo and I can spread her out without blocking out the poor hybrids. Hopefully, that'll help with the height quite a bit.