Lamp switch???

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
Ok i am currently using a 40 watt lamp. Would it be a good idea to switch it to a 500 watt lamp when i am home next to them....and switch back when im not???

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
Well I have no $$$
so I cant go out and buy one yet....

but the current one (plants are growing fine)

the 500 wt.. gives off lots of heat so i have to keep it away a good distance from da plant

you think more light for a couple of hours would be better?


Well-Known Member
40W isn't enough light to grow one decent plant, much less multiple. You should be using the 500W exclusively. You'll need to figure out a cooling strategy. You didn't provide any specifics about your grow space, so more info is needed in order for me to advise.


Well-Known Member
You need 100W for one plant. You're not going to grow shit with 60W. You'll end up with a stretched plant that will not yield much at all. If you want to continue with your current conditions, best of luck to you. Peace.


Well-Known Member
if your going for high pressure you should opt for like a 150 HPS... but you would need the ballast and wire and shit...... that one you put up would probably need a ballast as well......

do you have a thermometer in your room>???? how big is your closet?

el seca leche

Well-Known Member
something thats not fire hazardous,[dont wanna burn my house because of a overheated lamp]....what yall recommend?

p.s. low on $$

I put the little pot there as a size example.



Well-Known Member
It might even be better to get a bathroom fixture with 4 or more sockets. You could then buy a bunch of CFL's that are around 24W(bulbs are less than $1 each). You might even be able to find a cheap floor lamp with 4-5 sockets for well under $25. Getting a 150W HPS would be even better, but it'll cost more and it will probably run hotter than the CFL's. Be sure and get a good thermometer too. Anything hotter than 85 degrees in that closet with the light(s) on is cause for concern.