lamp height


Active Member
I'm new to growing and read many grow manuals but i was wondering if the lamp height will limit the height of the plant so that i can control its height. i know not to expect as large of a yield but better be safe than sorry ;).


Well-Known Member
Just keep the light close as possible without burning the plant. if the light is too far away the plant will stretch


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, but I'm new to this just like you. From my understanding, you would want to LST (Low Stress Train) your plant by bending the top growth node over and holding it there with ties. This is the only way to control the height, as far as I know. Check the GROWFAQ for how to do this, I think its under Advanced Growing Techniques.


Active Member
thanks. but if i keep it that length will the plant reach a certain height,stop stretching, and grow wider?


Well-Known Member
Or you can top it an take some clones at the same time,also got to remember that some strains are more prone to growing taller than others.
cheers Bifter :joint: