lake soil good for grow?

I'm looking to grow some auto's, and want to know if lake soil is good to grow with. i live right on a lake so it's easily accessible. I know alot about growing i was just curious.

any input's cool

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I would emend it with perlite or hydroton because of compactness.I will not go into possible contanaments in said medium.
its basically a swamp not worried because i know the thing like the back of my hand. not a public lake 12 people allowed on it and i live on the clean end. this stuff freakin black too. It is highly fertile soil it is a swamp that has been converted into a lake and it very very nutrient rich. This stuff is like the blackest stuff l've seen blacker than good farm soil.
man i planted a small bag seed plant in basicly swamp and it is doing fantastic the soil or mud rather has all the nutes the plant has needed and this shit is budding like crazy. so i would say go for it but you should prolly mix some perlite in it for drainage if yer ganna have it in a pot.