Lacy's Harvest and Attempt to Make Hash for 1st Time


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy,,,I'm doing the same as you :) Got some buds set aside for hash making.

I have made hash a couple of time before using this method....

Don't know if you've seen it, but it is a very easy way of collecting pollen/kief to make your own hash. You can literally turn things round from trim/bud to hash in an hour or two....I was surprised how much pollen I collected from just trim, I've never tried this method with bud before. I guess it would work just as well, but you would collect a shit load more pollen.....nice! :blsmoke:

I'm going larger scale this time and have just ordered some bubble bags to make my own bubble hash, I'm hoping the post man will bring them today actually. I was looking at the bubbleator as well, but decided on just the bubble bags (7 bag system) in the end as it goes down to a lower micron final bag (25 micron), so you collect more of the good stuff. With the bubbleator bags, this finest of pollen would just be washed away! :(

Good luck with your hash making. I look forward to seeing your final products. :mrgreen: bongsmilie


New Member
Guys guys. Thiis is NOT my first harvest. I ahve been growing for years and years. It was ONLY my first time making hash.:roll:

So don't bash yourself homeboy
wow, your first harvest makes my first harvest look like crap! And I thought I did good...


New Member
Its confirmed for me. I am getting a bubbleator. Everyone and their dogs are telling me about them
I am now going to try the stove top method cause that quick and easy hash method totally sucked for me.
There was nothing quick or nothing easy about it and my hash takes like shit. :cry:

I;m being a total spoiled sport now:twisted:

That keif stuff just drives me insane with its stickinesss but has the most amazing high I usually end up washing all that keif off my hands.

Thanks for the contribution snow.
Most apprciated.

Hey Lacy,,,I'm doing the same as you :) Got some buds set aside for hash making.

I have made hash a couple of time before using this method....

Don't know if you've seen it, but it is a very easy way of collecting pollen/kief to make your own hash. You can literally turn things round from trim/bud to hash in an hour or two....I was surprised how much pollen I collected from just trim, I've never tried this method with bud before. I guess it would work just as well, but you would collect a shit load more pollen.....nice! :blsmoke:

I'm going larger scale this time and have just ordered some bubble bags to make my own bubble hash, I'm hoping the post man will bring them today actually. I was looking at the bubbleator as well, but decided on just the bubble bags (7 bag system) in the end as it goes down to a lower micron final bag (25 micron), so you collect more of the good stuff. With the bubbleator bags, this finest of pollen would just be washed away! :(

Good luck with your hash making. I look forward to seeing your final products. :mrgreen: bongsmilie


New Member
Yes doctor. this is awesome. I missed it somehow.
Very cearly written[:mrgreen:
Rep for you

quote=doctorD;737431]If it helps I have made some great hash if I do say so myself. I dont want to come off as a know it all and I know of a few ways to make it but heres how I do It.

1. Fresh weed works best as you dont get as much leafy material in the final product. If its dry (i save all the shake at the bottom of my bags to make hash with) remove all stem seed ect.

2. Place weed in freezer for 10-15 min. It

3. Get a big glass bowl or a two gallon bucket. Fill it half way with water and CRUSHED ice. The crushed ice just works better for this.

4. Remove weed from freezer dump it in the bucket with the water and ice.

5. If you use a spoon, mix it till your arm is going to fall off then do it 5 more min. I just use a hand mixer and mix it for 15 min.

6. Use a slotted spoon to remove the bulk of the weed.

7. Stir up the remainder and pour it through a colander into a glass pitcher to get the rest of the leafy crap out.

8. Put pitcher in fridge to rest. I have done this for hours and with all the leaf out from steps 6&7 dont get much trash in the hash.

9. Slowly pour most of the water out watching the resin to see when it gets to the edge of the pitcher so you dont pour it down the sink.

10. Pour the rest of the mix through a coffee filter. You may need to add a touch of water to the pitcher and swish it around to get all the glands in the filter. Let drain

11. Scrape the glands off the filter and spread them on some cardboard to dry.

12. After its dry you can press it how you like I have a small hand press like you see in the mags. I had a guy at the local machine shop make it.or just sprinkle some on a bowl and enjoy.[/quote]


Well-Known Member
Had a visit from CannaSeur yesterday. He brought over this keif collecter/ pot grinder. Me being old as a dinasaur had never seen the such. (I live a sheltered life) We smoked a couple of J's then pressed the pollen and did hot knives, holy shit ! Hadn't done hot knives in 25+ yrs. Just like I remembered, ZOOM... Going to lay down now... :o:o:o


New Member
OMG buddy. I haven't done hot knives in years either but if a friend offered to come over and extra silly with me......I wouldn't have passed it up either.:mrgreen: Sure brings back memories for me also.
Had a visit from CannaSeur yesterday. He brought over this keif collecter/ pot grinder. Me being old as a dinasaur had never seen the such. (I live a sheltered life) We smoked a couple of J's then pressed the pollen and did hot knives, holy shit ! Hadn't done hot knives in 25+ yrs. Just like I remembered, ZOOM... Going to lay down now... :o:o:o