Lack of light? (pics)


Active Member
I'm assuming this is due to lack of light, that B1 keeping internodes tight as fuck (sativas staying shorter than indices, with more side branching) and causing a VERY dense canopy. Lowest leaves/side branches are dying off, but drying out immediately so I know it's not mould. I figured it was still worth posting just in case I'm wrong...

pH 5.8
Maxibloom Lucas Formula
Humboldt Flavorful (fulvic acid)
Compost tea

There is almost no light at the bottom of the existing foliage, so that makes the most sense to me... but any tips would be awesome... and hey, we're all still learning!

Leaves generally turn chlorotic before shriveling, however some just drop off while green and slightly dried. Darker areas are die off higher up, so that contributes to the idea that it's based on lack of light, and there are no other symptoms. Roots are a bit off white, but the tea and MycoGrow are probably contributing to root staining. Also a few fungus gnats, but over two weeks, only seven total have been caught on the four pet strips I keep laid out under the canopy (they seem to come out of my sink... time for bleaching everything).
