Lab Quality Nutes

Hey, I work in a soil lab and have acess to any/all fertilizers in there raw forms, such as ammonium nitrate and the like. The question is, will these raw ingredients added to my soil be as good as products such as foxfarms line? I'm worried about possible toxicities, so if any has a guidelines for mixing raw ingredients, that would be helpful as well.
I work with them on an industrial level. I need info on individual plant maximization dosings at vegitative/flowering stages. Also I wanted to know if anyone knew if they stacked up at all against brand names such as foxfarms? Because these sort of chemicals are the most readily usable form of NPK a plant can use, so I have to assume they'll work well in maximization of the plant.


New Member
I work with them on an industrial level. I need info on individual plant maximization dosings at vegitative/flowering stages. Also I wanted to know if anyone knew if they stacked up at all against brand names such as foxfarms? Because these sort of chemicals are the most readily usable form of NPK a plant can use, so I have to assume they'll work well in maximization of the plant.
foxfarm sux