la woman pics


Well-Known Member
posted the pics last week but forgot to ask has anyone grown this and if so what kinda harvest time did u give them? im at day 47 and its lookin kinda ready, shes in with 4 'the church' and i know they need a couple of more weeks to finish but her leaves are beginning to look kinda burnt and dieing( its not the light being too close btw), shes well enuff fed and takes more water than any of the church although shes a good bit shorter. any one got any yeild info. soil grow under 1000watt hps after 5 weeks veg under 600 hps.:bigjoint:



Cant really help you dude but i got a seed iam gonna germ soon. From what i read its a 9 week flower and the smoke is pukka!



Well-Known Member
looks great but doesn't look ready yet to me. I'm not that experienced though so get a second opinion. I wouldn't harvest till it bulks up more and more pistils start to recede.


Well-Known Member
Il bump this for ya man, wouldnt mind knowing a bit about her aswell be starting her soon,
+rep for her man loads of buds! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cheers lads, yeah shes go the buds and the main cola is lookin quite good, the only reason i had asked was that i havent heard of any dedicated la woman threads, shes in with a group of 'the church' and compared to her they are bloody massive, with large thick colas that are thicker than my grasp( my hands are average adult male size, maybe even slighly larger than average). dont get me wrong, i'm very happy with her but i had just wondered if any one else had fully grown one and had any advice/tips.