L.E.D Lights for 2 plant grow?


Hi, I need a small light not very expensive for just about 2 plants. What do you suggest, and do you suggest me using L.E.D Lights?


Well-Known Member
I have several 2 plant grows using a UFO 90 supplemented with CFLs, but they should not be taller than 30" as LEDs do not have deep penetration. I supplemented below the canopy to help fill out the bottom of the plants. hth


Well-Known Member
i have a closet size of 2x4x6. i am flowering 6 plants on the bottom of my closet and i am using 6 45W led grow panels u get from amazon.com lmao. they are around like $120 each... but im also using 4 4ft t5 fluos in the corners of my closet for supplimental lighting in addition to the LEDs... some reason i think it may be the LEDs... my plants dont have the stem strength to stand up themselves... and i have to use a post. maybe if you use HID or HPS that wont happen lol


If you are looking for budget friendly LED is not the way to go. CFLs are brighter, cheaper and there is a lot more people on here using them, so more people to answer your questions. You could easily get a good cfl set up going for less than $20 or $30 dollars. An led of any kind would run much more than that, a decent one would be much more.


Well-Known Member
Those 45W panels arent that great at all from most of the grows I have seen, You probably need more light. They only pull about 23W. For the money I would have gone with a nice sized panel instead.

I wouldn't recommend any light under $200. Thats usually the threshold of a great LED light. There are some cheaper ones that work, but a 200$+ light will actually get weight, and trich production. You HAVE to have a UV spectrum in whatever light you order. The one I recommended has that. The UV is crucial when considering a light.

i have a closet size of 2x4x6. i am flowering 6 plants on the bottom of my closet and i am using 6 45W led grow panels u get from amazon.com lmao. they are around like $120 each... but im also using 4 4ft t5 fluos in the corners of my closet for supplimental lighting in addition to the LEDs... some reason i think it may be the LEDs... my plants dont have the stem strength to stand up themselves... and i have to use a post. maybe if you use HID or HPS that wont happen lol