Kryptonite and Chem Dawg


Well-Known Member
no no all my stuff will be here. and the platinum B's i shud be getting in a few days hopefully.. ill shoot u the update on ur thread in case ur not subd


Well-Known Member
Dude where is the giant update you speak of..???...i wanna see the goods..!!!! lol! :peace:
bro.... i know... this fool is hella laggin man, but guy is runnin out of excuses so hopefully today..

SORRY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trust me i want this more than y'all ;)

the eqipment update is going to be a wile as well(money situation)


Well-Known Member
ok so plans fell through...;(;(;(

was supposed to get 8 2' Krypto's ready to flower, and a few clones of Platinum Bubba.. clones still may come through, but much later me thinks.

So now i am veggin the cool LST Chem dawg and my one mother kryptonite under the t5(new sweet bulbs tuesday) 10 Krypto clones under their own 2' t5. and the 3 tall chem dawgs are veggin for a little longer under the 600W MH conv.

will have pics up tomarrow, probbly later tomarrow cuz ima do me some drinkin tonight!!! on account of veteran's day:)

Hug a VET :)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What up bro!! Stop by my thread and check shit out...chopped my bitches the other some harvest pics up...!!


Well-Known Member
hey every one!!! Day 20 12/12 flower shots for yall!

nothin real special i suppose, jus a few flower shots and a group shot or 2. any special requests?

watered with nutes today also


Well-Known Member
yes will do buddy, you know bout my new thread yes?
New thread? Naw man...I haven't been privy to that info yet....would love to scope it out that bro...shoot me the info....BTW butter turned out fuckin' PROPER bro....made canna snicker doodles for the niner game tomorrow....can't wait! Thanks for the tips!