King's Operation Midnight Landing


Active Member
How's it KingIV20?
From one stg grower to another I hope you keep posting!, it's always nice to see pics for other STG grows.


I'm using Hail & Tornado inserts in my DIY undercurrents.



Active Member
How's it KingIV20?
From one stg grower to another I hope you keep posting!, it's always nice to see pics for other STG grows.


I'm using Hail & Tornado inserts in my DIY undercurrents.
Thanks man. Yeah STG is legit. I like it more than rockwool, but no hydro shops carry it!

Hey King, sucks about the mites. At least you have a couple plants to care for and hopefully harvest. Cheers.
Mites do suck. Majorly. The new box we're making is specifically designed to prevent ANY contaminants from entering the room. And yeah the two soil ones, which are both Black Pearl's, are huge and will give us more than all the other ones combined. And I'm babying them to make sure they make it to harvest ;)



Active Member
Little update here with a few pics.

We've been building a much larger frame/box than we were using before. It went from being 4 wide x 8 long x 7.5 high, to 6 wide x 10 long x 7.5 high.

As you can see, I've still got to finish getting some plywood up, and from there, there is still a lot to do...but that's part of the fun:)

The two Black Pearl's are looking good! Very dense nugs, and stanky too. They've been watching me and the homie build their new pad ;)

Oh also, this is a good pic to note the differences in LED lights vs HPS/HID. The girl on the left was the largest one this round and it was under the LED light more than any other plant. Notice how much leafier she is than the same strain on the right side. That is one of the main differences between LED's and HPS, (from my personal experience, and here is empirical proof)

Veggin's are still rollin, but I'm planning on bringing in a pretty much new set of clones to grow with for the next round.

That's it for now


Active Member
I've been working a ton on the new grow area. It's finally coming together to where it's looking almost finished. Check out the new pics.

This pic is actually a movie if you click on it, I apologize for the shotty quality, I was using my phone.

After filming that video I chopped about four or five branches of one of the Black Pearl girls who's nugs in my opinion were done. They're hanging outside of the box now.

:leaf: King


Active Member
I've been hard at work building my room the way I want it - impossible (at least relatively unlikely) for any bugs or mold to get in. It's a 10' long x 6' wide x 7.5' high box, with at least two layers of 4mil black plastic sealing the inside - panda film for light reflection adds another layer of plastic on 2/3 walls. Although it isn't in any of the pics, I also have a dividing layer of panda film 4' in from the front, separating veg and flower rooms. (Hence, my flower room is 6'x6' and veg is 4'x6'). My LED's are going to hang on each side of the HPS in flower, as they unquestionably (in my opinion, based on past grows) add crystals and potency to the flowers...just not the bulk, which is what the HPS is for :)

Door Closed, front of box.

Door open

Inside is currently not complete, but it's so close I can taste it :leaf:
*Note that I'm getting some Hindu Kush clones this friday, so I'll be on my way to some great medicine.

Drilled out all the holes today.

Made some improvements to the ventilation system...

Enjoy the pics! +Rep is always welcome for the hard work!


Active Member

Finally I've got my setup about 75% complete. I'll be putting the 1/2 inch piping in soon which will have a bunch of little spray nozzles to water the technically this is going to be aeroponic.

All the clones I got are of the same strain and pheno. The original Hindu Kush - no crosses or mixes with any other genetic. I'm really happy about that actually.

Be good



Active Member

We've added a handle to the door. Yes, it IS an old Anchor Steam Brewery tap handle ;)

We got a small shelf that fits perfectly, so we put all our nutrients and pH stuff in there.

On top of the small shelf

The reservoir, because I don't think I took a pic yet of how we have it set up with the pvc...the smaller, 1/2 inch pipe on the left is connected to the pump, and the 1inch pvc is the drainage.

The girls are looking beautiful and are growing strong and node-y

Lotta work, lotta confusion getting 6inch pvc caps for the damn ends...who the hell makes a pvc CAP that has the exact same OUTER AND INNER diameters as the pipe itself?! Ridiculous...

:leaf: King :leaf:


Active Member
Hmmm.....I haven't updated this in about 8 months... That calls for a quick update.

I'll add pics another time, but I've been fortunate to have gotten a couple decent harvests of great sensi. All of it this year has been Hindu Kush. However I picked up some Purple Diesel and V.I.P. (Very Intense Purple) plants and took some clones. So goodbye Kush hello purps. My clones have sprouted roots and just this past week I put them under the HPS to veg themselves up.

That's whats up



Active Member
Alright, welcome back to the room.

Currently in the main room I've got two different strains going. Purple Diesel, and VIP. VIP is a rather local strain, created by a couple of hippies in NorCal, but not so far up as the Emerald Triangle. It's 100% Indica, whereas the Purple Diesel is obviously a hybrid, from what I've read, it's crossed between Purple Kush and Sour Diesel and makes for a great Sativa-dominant high.

The two left rows were put in the room a week or two later than the right two rows, hence the height difference. Note that they are different strains as well.

These be healthy girls

Ideal (close to) conditions

Outside the room, which I failed to take pics of today, I have the four mothers of all these girls, as well as two trays of clones that should be rooting this week.

Stay green
:leaf: King :leaf:


Active Member
I just realized that I haven't posted any of the results from my past harvests (the first one at least). Better late than never, right?

So here are my nug shots that make my mouth water. Note that these plants are all Hindu Kush.

Maybe a week after the last shot

It was delicious, and I've only gotten better :)

Thanks for looking
Be good