killing brain cells


In the past, I would hold my toke as long as I could take it because I perceived it got me higher. When I smoked dank I would hold it in till my exhale was clear. Recently my friend told me that all the cannabanoids were processed by the lungs in just a second and I was getting higher because I was killing brain cells due to oxygen depravation. I havent been able to take my marathon inhales since because I smoke a lot of weed and I want to hold on the brain cells I have left. Keeping in my mind I wont ever stop smoking mary jane.

Anyone ever hear of something similar?


Im not really sure, but.... basically making your self chroncally hypoxic, like having your O2 sat less than...say...90% cant be good for you. at work when someone sats less than 90% at any given time we put them on 2L's of O2 and/or alberol/atrovent neb tx.

Sr. Verde

your just starving your brain for oxygen, if its enough to kill brain cells thats debatable

There are a lot of sports that involve holding your breath for a long time, like Free Diving. I really enjoy free diving, and I could go to like 39 feet without fins or weights, and down to like 60ft with scuba fins and no weight

But yeah they say the cannainoids get used in like 3 seconds, but if your brain cells are dying (wouldnt be that worried) it's not whats getting you "higher" that could be some oxygen deprivation and small head rushes

Just hold your hits for like 3 seconds, no point in waiting for your air to turn clear


Senor- I immediately thought of free divers too, when my friend said that. He just said that they are killing brain cells too


Well-Known Member

nothing about cannabinoids are bad for us.

the smoke in cannabis isn't very good for us, but it doesn't kill a significant amount of brain cells compared to other activities. . . .

regardless, vaporizing or eating cannabis solves this entirely.


Thanx for the input Rotn. I wish stoners had access to all those hospital machines and we could perform tests on ourselves so we could find out whats happening to our bodies. There probably is already a thread, but I wanna know whats happening to me personally.


Your friend is stupid. Pot doesnt kill brain cells.

Also, you only need to hold the smoke in for 5 seconds to get all of the thc. After that you're just holding in carcinogens.


I had one of those box vaporizers with the hose, but i left it on all night and ruined it. I wanna get one of those iolites like I hear about on the Dopecast. Anyone in the DopeTribe


Well-Known Member
lol I don't literally count. I just kind of know when it's time to exhale.

and I hate hose style (whip vapes.) too much can go wrong, I just love my herbalaire ;).


Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter if you hold your hit 1 second or 30 seconds. Once the thc enters your lungs its in your bloodstream instantly...all of it. You get light headed from holding your breath and thats the only reason for that


Well-Known Member
I disagree. I believe that duration matters. as it's a gas-exchange inside our lungs, that has to take a certain amount of time. saying the duration doesn't matter is pretty ignorant.

unless you have some sort of research article stating otherwise?


it also seems like I get higher if I exhale through my nose. If all the thc is absorbed in the lungs, it doesnt seem like there would be any left over for the nasal cavity to absorb