Kief extracted butane honey oil


I have seen some of the liitle ready-made honey oil extracor. The capacity of them are of fiftheen grams of plants materials, in place of this, i would like to replace it by low grade kieff, such as the one produced with a long lasting rotative extractor, geared with beads, or any othe way else you can know about. Since the extractor is made of pyrex glass, this will be much mure purer. also, envisagein this is more an option with this extractor, since gather the amout of kief needed would be very hard, for the average grower. I will also try in that process to use the purest kind available of buthane. i am thiking to a way to pass directly and safely the crude but evaporated oil in a pharmacy vial, or a syringe, not sure.
can i do an aerator evaporator, like a bigger pipe cut in half on the lengh, (like waterslide, with a fitting to reach the gage of the vial. i would after cook it a bit.
I am living in a Winter contry so ist like -20 Celcius, so i think if im doing as said before, it may help the purity, since the evaporation take more time. i im not impatient. i will cook it and cure it afther this anyway. so tell me a bit of it please.
otalk about my plan cauz i think that KIEF EXTRACTED BUTANE HONEY OIL may have the potential to be great. so....

i am in another way want to know more about propan an the reason that's not used.
thanx. i want yours oppinion on my plans. please.​