Kids say the darndest things...


Ursus marijanus
One of my friends kids would call a fire truck a tire f*ck. We'd have some beers and get her to say it for grins.
My one-year-old boy would call a train a choo-choo truck. But pronounced toddler style, it came out impressively digestive/impolite.
Clock, truck and fork were all pronounced the same. He still uses the word to this day, though with some evolution of emphasis what with he’s 19 and employed.


Well-Known Member
The wife made Black Silkie Chicken soup for dinner and lil neo decided she's all of a sudden freaked out by it. She then proclaimed that she's now a vegetarian. I said cool. We then went down the list of what she can't eat now. There was only one deal breaker. So my kid is now a vegetarian (that eats beef jerky).
My daughter is a vegetarian (mums a vegan) but won’t give up bacon.
It makes me so happy when she eats it.
My wife just sits there glaring at me.
Which makes even happier.
Nice thread mate!


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Well-Known Member
12345, who uses a password like that?? remind me to change my luggage code.

I love the canding dispensing machine, that is ingenious. My son keeps trying to get me into Minecraft but I just don't get the appeal.....
Not really gamers. We might break out the wii 3, 4 times a year. Soccer balls are dribbled around the house, constantly and I built some pretty legit monkey bars for a last bday. That's how we roll.


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scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
About a month or so ago, my (now teenager) declared me a "total cuntflap!" for saying no to her request for funds to take a trip to Arizona to hang out with her friends in an unsupervised house for 2 entire weeks straight.

that fucking stung actually, not gonna lie.

and then the fucking face. I had to see the fucking face. All parents know the one...

"total cuntflap!" --- </3



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
About a month or so ago, my (now teenager) declared me a "total cuntflap!" for saying no to her request for funds to take a trip to Arizona to hang out with her friends in an unsupervised house for 2 entire weeks straight.

that fucking stung actually, not gonna lie.

and then the fucking face. I had to see the fucking face. All parents know the one...

"total cuntflap!" --- </3

View attachment 4452017
Ahh how could you not!! CUNTWAFFLE