kepping a blueberry mother?


Active Member
i would like to know if anyone has ever mother'd out a blueberry seed. heres the deal i have a blueberry seed that i want to keep as mymother. but i need to know what is the longest that anyone has ever kept blueberry in vegative state? i have heard ten years? any info you can give me will be helpfull, the thing is i would like to hear from someone who has actually done this. thanks


Well-Known Member
i have 2 mothers of that strain they have been vegging 3 years, every 9 or so months i will start a new mother plant as soil conditions get toxic.

This strain is a very very easy strain to mess up, i have yet to see a blueberry that can handle over 1000 ppm especially in hps flower


Active Member
i like your style, thats a verry good idea. dont know why that never even crossed my mind. so what your doing is basically once a year starting a new mother from clone?. thanks for the input here she is at 1 week.

