keeping temps down.


Good day all. Just finished constructing my 1st grow room. And cautiously about to start my 1st grow. So yes i'm ad new as it gets. I have put together a 10x12x9h room. Sealed. With 2 400 cfm fans on intakes. 2 440cfm on my carnon filtered outtakes. A18000btu window ac unit. Ceiling to floor wraped in mylar. Now heres my concern. I have 4 1000w hid gull wing reflectors and with all my cooling power my temps are in d 90`s still at only 800w. Haven't put any plants in there yet. Dont wanna risk cooking them. Any ideas on how to drop those temps? Or can i complete 1 sucsessful grow before i order cool tube reflectors? Where i live the current outdoor temps are 32degrees Celsius plus.. So its darn hot...
The ac unit is in the enclosed grow room and it gets over 90 with vent? This doesn't make sense to me because u say ur running 800watts with 4 1000watts? What lights are you running?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Your lights heat load are almost equal to your AC output at those ambients if not less then your pulling in 800 cfm of 32 c air. My suggestion, seal that puppy up, add CO2. Think you may need to up the AC though as well if running all 4 lights, but with CO2 you can run higher. Impressive setup though for a newb!


Your lights heat load are almost equal to your AC output at those ambients if not less then your pulling in 800 cfm of 32 c air. My suggestion, seal that puppy up, add CO2. Think you may need to up the AC though as well if running all 4 lights, but with CO2 you can run higher. Impressive setup though for a newb!
Thanks. Will post some pics if it will be more informative for your suggestions.


If i can manage to get the temp round 87 will i be able to grow some white widow 16plants to be exact. Had to order in all my equipment internationally. So didnt wanna risk air cool hoods breaking in shipment. Didnt know that these open hood lights ran so darn hot.. Will get some cool tube reflectors. As soon as i can get some cash flow back on this investment.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
So here ya go, if you use this you have to set me up in a beach house for a week with a bag of good bud, not that brown tourist shit lolimage.jpeg


If it works no probs on dat vacay... And also if it works i will supply u with my But i thing i have no idea what that is. And d pic wont open big enough for me to figure ot out..


Well-Known Member
I am all so in a very hot place but get cool over winter. I like to have a over kill on all my fan I run 4x1019 cfm fans most of time I only run 2 of them.
As temp can get up to 110 here so lot of air to keep the room cool. I run 5400 watts 9x600 hps on the very hot days temp will get to 86 just make sure that the plants u are putting in there love the heat


Unlike u i have no winter to look forward to.. In d not to distant future I might cross breed a high potent local strain with those hybrids to create a suitable strain for tropical grow rooms. Till den i have to inovate a method to get these plants to grom in this room at least 2sucessful grows.. Den i`ll put in a 24000btu ac with cool tubes on my 1000watters. And all shall be well...

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
If your running CO2 that's a ok temp, without it that's pretty hot. It's the outdoor temps that are the killer if using intake but you really don't need to bring in that much air at all. Just use passive intake and run 200 out and see if that gets temps down. The ideal of large air exchange is to lower temps but at those temps your adding to the problem. All you need to do is an air exchange to bring in fresh air to get CO2 levels up and O2 levels down.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Again you don't need large amounts of air because your not using it for cooling, you just need to maintain proper air quality, even a complete air change every 15 min would probably be ok, at 900 cfm your doing it every couple of minutes. You'll have a hell of a time cooling that. Shut the room up. The cooling will be done by the AC but again that's pretty small to but it will lower humidity so that will help a bit

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
how the hell is it 90f with a 18000 air con running ? that's impossible . I used to run 4k in a small room 8by 8 no ac just a vent fan that sucked out heat that used to turn on automatically from a thermostat temps stayed about 70 to 80 on a winter day. do you know your ac unit may not be working because it is a window unit and its to cold . the ac will no operate . a very cheap way to get this room cool . get a fan hook it to the window cold out side no bugs . it should be hooked to a thermostat . now if this fan in an inline fan like a duct fan can put it into a tube and the cold air will not enter during the night to far away from the window to breez in . this will cool any size room with any kilowatts and much cheaper . do not blow cold onto the plants ! best to shoot it up. and your other fans should be sweeping slightly over the tops of your plants and mostly bottoms . in the winter I bet a5000 btu window ac unit would keep those 4k lamps cool in that room. it may run 12/12 but its only 500 watts . that 18000 unit is way to big for that room many starts and stops big swings in temps will burn those plants and the ac unit and your electric bill . the ac unit will run for a very short wile turn off has to remain off to recycle and the temps will spike hot and cool the room again . not good. the 18000 is made to cool an entire home . 600 to 800 square feet. let us know what you decide to do we all been through the heat thing lol when it gets hot out very common question. how to cool the room . you should look at a ac website this summer and check your square footage and use there recem and but the proper size . I would say 5k to 7000k good luck (KEEP IT GREEN )


Well-Known Member
Good day all. Just finished constructing my 1st grow room. And cautiously about to start my 1st grow. So yes i'm ad new as it gets. I have put together a 10x12x9h room. Sealed. With 2 400 cfm fans on intakes. 2 440cfm on my carnon filtered outtakes. A18000btu window ac unit. Ceiling to floor wraped in mylar. Now heres my concern. I have 4 1000w hid gull wing reflectors and with all my cooling power my temps are in d 90`s still at only 800w. Haven't put any plants in there yet. Dont wanna risk cooking them. Any ideas on how to drop those temps? Or can i complete 1 sucsessful grow before i order cool tube reflectors? Where i live the current outdoor temps are 32degrees Celsius plus.. So its darn hot...
Congrats in getting so far ..!

I'd be letting my fans extract all the air

leaving the inlets passive,

sucking air from out of the rooms you get better smell control

I admit I've been in the same situation before

and even trashed the reflectors for air movement, later installing my diy jobs

that said many Auzzie growers prefer to have lights on overnite

to take advantage of cooler inlet temps

good luck

ps and welcome to riu