Keeping Buds Fresh


Active Member
:joint: I heard that plastic bags rub off the crystals from your buds because of the static electricity, and glass jars also rub off what is the best way to keep my buds fresh???...I heard about putting buds in the fridge...does it work? if so, what temp. should it be????


Active Member
i keep my bud in the freezer, freezes the moister in the buds so when u thaw them they will be like when u put them in


Well-Known Member
I put mine in glass jars and then vaccum seal them. I fail to see how a glass jar that is vaccumed sealed and tucked away while do any harm. I keep the jars in a dark cupboard and the jars are unopened until time to use the ingredients.

The guy above puts his bud in the freezer but in what? Does he lay the buds on the freezer shelves, are they stored in something? There shouldn't be any moisture left in the bud if it's dried.

You were 100 percent correct about the plastic bags. Very bad news for storage. Mainly because plastic crinkles and that rubs the cyrstals off.


Well-Known Member
I just use the majon jar method. It seems to work pretty well. My medicine doesn't sit around that long before it gets used so...