Keep it with those you Love


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU, just a friendly reminder to keep your business with those you love and consider close friends and family.
About a week ago a "friend" of about 3 years decided to set me up because he couldn't handle the consequences of his own actions, and I am now fucked.
I knew and trusted this guy for 3 years in which we both helped each other make money and stay high. Even helped this dude haul off 50+ bags of grow trash, hydraton and big ass stems and everything, kicked it at festivals, helped each other do work, etc. Apparently he got into some shit, and instead of being quiet and getting a lawyer, he threw my ass under the bridge.
So, in conclusion, no matter how cool you think someone is, consider whether or not it's someone you love. Even if this person is part of how you make your living, make sure it's someone you love, or you could get fucked.
Had to let this out, I did everything right, but got bit by a snake in the grass.
Careful, everyone.

love, skuba


Well-Known Member
I dont even tell my GF of 6 years a damm thing. She gets a dui or some bull shit and boom im fucked. Sorry you had to learn the hard way. Hope he did not jam you up too bad, do your time and fuck him.


Active Member
Sorry dude to hear about the bad news, even the ones u love will turn on u. Best way to keep it is SOLO I can't trust anyone not even myself but I trust myself to not rat out myself.

no clue

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that man. The ONLY one I trust is my wife of more than 20 years..and it would not be possible or wise to hide it from her. I hope this is over for you soon


Well-Known Member
Yeah just like Judas, unfortunately, the law system will do theyre best to turn him with offerings. He took theyre bargaining chip. I hope u can forgive him and whats more i hope he can forgive himself, or else he'll just b a waste of life :( It does indeed take a strong character to honor a relationship when the shit hits the fan. You find out who these people are in the course of life, jus keep livin man and stay strong


Well-Known Member
I didn't get ratted out to LEO. But I have a very close cousin and a close friend that I was assisting in a coupla ops. I was only attempting to bring some happiness into their lives. Like the happiness that I get from growing. I've made sure to keep this part of my life relatively lowkey as a motha' but they ended up flapping their lips to literally anyone that would listen. The worst parts are. I've known my cousin since my birth. I know my close friend since high school (16 years). They both ended up not only blabbing to everyone, but they also tried to humiliate and discredit me behind my back to my other friends and family members. My close friend even went to the owner of a business that I had just been hired by. A great paying security supervisory position. That job quickly disappeared. But at least I haven't been arrested, my life has moved on, and I know exactly who I can trust. Myself.