Kanye: Slavery Was A Choice


Well-Known Member
Does anyone care what someone with mental issues thinks, for once I'm not referring to tRUmp.
Yes because he’s using his notoriety to spread false information.

If he wishes to present as opinion that’s okay but as the TMZ employee pointed out along with Nina Turner ‘Our Revolution’ it’s not right or okay to distort the truth or revise history.

‘You are not being attacked 4presenting a “new idea”. You are being challenged because there is a difference between ideas and facts. The facts of the matter are Black folks were taken from Africa by force, dehumanized, brutalized & traumatized. Please take a Black History course’ -Nina Turner


Well-Known Member
just because someone has mental issues doesn't mean their opinion should be void.


Well-Known Member
You mean like Trump started doing in 2011 that was welcomed with opened arms by idiots?

Post fact world now, hope to recover soon. Feels like stage 4 though, metastatic and not responding rapidly to treatment.
And elected president based upon those lies..where does that leave the citizen?

The Pedo and Kanye still gets to go home to a nice house, family and wealth.


Well-Known Member
Hey, you mofos are the ones that started/participated in a thread about the man... :bigjoint:

I'm only pointing out the obvious game theory