Kannabia Autos - Really Semi-Autos . . . clone??

Could a Semi-Auto (Like Kannabia's Autos) clone sucessfully and adequately?

  • probably

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  • probably not

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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Active Member
I've been reading about Kannabia's latest auto-flowering plants. Unlike most other autos the Kannabia strains (at least 3/4 of them) will not automatically flower (or will take a very long time to flower) under anything much more than a 14 / 10 light cycle. Under any cycle with more "on" time than that they pretty much veg, the way a photoperiod plant would. I'm wondering if it seems reasonable to believe that these plants would be suitable for clones because of this difference from most other autos (who, I hear, aren't fit for cloning because they will flower after 3 weeks or so regardless of light and will therefore be the same age as the time the clones were taken, etc, etc). I'm just thinking that if you keep the plants under a flowering-prohibitive cycle (24 / 0 for example) until you could get some decent cuttings, you could, conceivably clone them.

Anyone care to agree / disagree / interject?



Well-Known Member
I have their Powerskunk going right now from seed. When it reached 3 feet I figured it wasnt going to start flowering on its own. I took a cutting and moved the seedling to the flower room. Plant is 2 weeks+ into flower and the clone is almost a foot tall with no flowers forming. I figured try to clone a lower branch and hope it works. If it didnt work I would only be out 1 peat puck. I hope this helps.


That's my plan with mataro blue and la blanca. I got some freebies from a promo and they're just getting their second set of leaves. Basically, Im gonna keep a mom for awhile, and put the clones outside. I read that they start flowering as soon as they're under 16 hours of light, and that they take 60-70 days once they're outside. If this works out, this strain's gonna be a keeper just for the novelty of buds as soon as they go outdoors. I plan on breeding it with some true autos and my photoperiod purple indica to see what I come up with.