

Well-Known Member
Yeah. Whenever I would do it, it would have to go up my nose. Eating it does not seem as enjoyable. Good to know about though. Thanks.


a guy i know put .8g in a glass of orange juice and downed it,he was fucked for like 6+ hours,and this guy has an insane tolerance to the stuff.word to the wise start with a really small dose,seemed to have a much more potent prolonged effect after he drank it.on the topic i took too much during the weekend and ended up in a weird old dimension so far abstracted from normal life where sound echoed forever and mass melted and reformed only to melt again,all the while in the middle of a big house party-funny old shtuff that ket


Well-Known Member
It's just a way of consuming it orally. It shouldn't change anything about the way it hits you. Oral is a bit different than snorting, it lasts longer. To smoke it you'd want to convert it to the freebase, I don't know the pka of ketamine off the top of my head, but put it in a solution of pka+2=pH water and then extract with a nonpolar solvent and let it evaporate to get the ketamine freebase.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit .8? The most I ever did was 350mg, never had a crazy tolerance to it though. I noticed it goes up really fast.

Duck, I dont have a considerable amount of K, but if I ever do Ill definitely look into freebasing it haha.. Is MXE smokable? I do have a lot of that.. I WANNA SMOKE ERRTHANG!


Well-Known Member
Probably has a similar pka to ket. I don't know though. I'm not reall a fan of smoking anything but tobacco and pot.


Well-Known Member
Me either, but I havent really tried.. Cn was saying smoking oxy was really fun and I'd try that. And if K were smokable in its current state... I'm sure I'll just stay putting it into my nose...
...Unless my ass is an alternative?

Nah. Just joking lol


Well-Known Member
Plugging is a better route than smoking even if it's less socially acceptable. Stuff absorbs almost as fast as the first hit smoked, faster than something that takes more than one hit, and generally has an extremely high bioavailability like 90%+.