

Active Member
We got eyez but we havent seen athing, We got lips but they aint loose for nuttin, a rat should never eat NO WHERE!!! K=ILL A=LL R=ATS :blsmoke: burnem like bluntz:mrgreen: so when you get caught by the jake NEVER SNITCH cuz exterminates rodents think itz a GAME nope GAMZ got RULZ out here itz survive :-? confused you must be spoon feed or still on the tit BUCK UP BART real men LIVE LIFE looserz get told how to live you can chose the side to roll with but if you fake your true colorz show in the long run never be ignorant aquire all the knowledge you can snakes will bite rember befor you you jump in the warter you better check it sharks do exsit an there is a breed of humans that are like sharks and another like guppies B safe on these streets